The Boys' Page

Kodi & Kyle

sleepy dog

Kyle & Kodi were gorgeous bench-bred English Springer Spaniel littermates.
We picked them out when they were 3 weeks old, and they came home with us a month later
on Christmas Eve 1981. I was 12 years old when we got Kodi & Kyle, so I'd spent half my life
with our boys when they crossed the Rainbow Bridge on January 30, 1995.

Kodi (black & white) was a big boy....22 inches at his curl-covered shoulders.
He was a marshmallow though, and had the typical sweet Springer temperament. Kodi loved ice cubes,
he'd beg for one every time the freezer door was opened. He also craved any type of bread, especially sourdough. When he was younger, Kodi enjoyed fetching his squeaky toys out in our back yard.

Kyle (liver & white) was perfect in my young eyes....20 inches at his shoulders,
with long, profuse feathering. However, he had light eyes (a fault), and a stubborn streak a mile wide. Kyle was definately the "alpha" of the two boys (although we didn't know the term back then).
Kyle was addicted to dog cookies (aka Milkbones), he'd also beg for weinies.

While Kodi loved retrieving toys, Kyle preferred to just gallop around the back yard
with a toy in his mouth, trying to taunt his brother. Both boys enjoyed cuddling, affection, car rides,
cheese, and being groomed (not so much for toenails). Kyle was virtually "fearless", Kodi however was afraid of (and would hide from) house flies. Kodi loved woobies (aka pillows), he had to have a woobie to take a nap. Kyle preferred blankets and such, things he could make a "nest" in. When Kodi wanted outside, he'd find one of us then trot back and forth to the back door. Kyle on the other hand, would stand at the door and make a noise we called "chortling".

Rebel's Kodiak King{Kodi}, was named by my mom after a character on a '50s TV show
set in Alaska starring Keenan Wynn.
Rebel's Courageous Kyle{Kyle}, was named by me (myself and I) after the first Borzoi
I ever saw in person.





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Pedigree Source Code Compliments of

Parents Grandparents Great-Grandparents Great-Great-Grandparents
Dusty's Rebel Rouser
CH Marjon's Rebel From Arron CH Salilyn's Ringleader CH Salilyn's Aristocrat
CH Venetian Cricket's Cinamon
Marjon's Happy Thing, UD CH Marjon's Black Is Beautiful
Marjon's Samantha
Lady Hildebran Germain Radar Westop Boy Named Sue
Satin Spring Brandy-El
Aloysius Ali Baba Westop Boy Named Sue
Golden Empire's Molly Brown
Amanda Tea
Doctor Doolittle Sir Rowdy of Highland Manor Sir Reginald of Uplifter
Dawn of Canard
Holly Dawn Wyoming Rocky
Lady Deborah of Winslow
Miss Elisabeth Stubblefield Deacon Spot Relharf's Shamrock
Stubblefield Tippy Dee
Hello Dolly of The Highlands FLD CH Alan-A-Dale O'Glen Robin
Karens Mitzie

Please visit the English Springer Spaniel Picture Page's
Memorial section for more about our Boys....

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**I'm eternally grateful to Kyle & Kodi for showing me the special love of Springers**

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