The Purr Pages

Meet McVie

baby McVie
Baby Mick

McVie was a delightfully unexpected addition to our family. When it was time for the "youngsters"
(all but Bernie & Lindsey) to go in for their vaccinations, Sara hid from us. We caught Sara off-guard a couple days later and took her in for her vaccinations as well. Our vet had a large cage with several kittens in it in the waiting room. A few weeks earlier, someone had left two boxes with a total of 18 kittens in them on their doorstep. A few did not make it, but these were now healthy and ready to find new homes. Only one had the shaggy fur and ear tufts that we love, so we went there with one kitty and came home with two! We followed our Fleetwood Mac theme of Lindsey, Gypsy & Sara....
And named our new baby boy McVie, we call him Mick for short.

Mick's best buddy & playmate is his big orange brother Rogan. Little Mick was neutered
the first week in October. Rogan missed his baby brother while he was gone. He searched
every room for him; Rogan was elated when Mick returned home the next day.

See more photos of McVie @ Webshots!

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