The Wendens Ambo Society

"Helping to ensure that change is managed for the benefit of the community"

The Wendens Ambo Society was formed in March 1972 by a group of villagers keen to encourage an interest in the past, present and future of the village, and to secure the preservation, protection and improvement of features of historic or public interest in the area. Its start was prompted by a proposal to build a vicarage and houses on the Wick. One of the earliest projects to concern the Society was the M11 motorway and its effect on the village.

Over the years the Society has monitored the development of the village and where appropriate it has voiced its views to the relevant authorities. The Society's funds are used for the benefit of the whole community, including such past initiatives as a new lamp near Church Path, a bench on the Wick, and refurbishing Midshipman Nicholson's tombstone in the churchyard.

Wendens Ambo
The Church

Both Wendens - a Golden Jubilee Reflection

Residents both past and present of Wendens Ambo can find out just what their village looked like 50 years ago, thanks to a new book produced by the Wendens Ambo Society to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee year. Entitled Both Wendens - A Golden Jubilee Reflection, the book is written by Denis Dunstone, who first lived in the village in 1964.

The book is full of photographs which capture the mood of the time and a particularly attractive collection of paintings of the village in full colour. For those who like railways there is an interesting collection of photographs of Audley End Station in the days of the horse and the steam engine.

The book is on sale at £12 plus postage and packing.

The official web site of the Wendens Ambo Society is now . This site is maintained as a link, but is no longer updated. (April 2008).

The manager of this site may be contacted at . This is not the official address of the Wendens Ambo Society.

Robert & Sue's family history page

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