Now for a little about me.
My name is Patty and I really AM a Moonchild!
I grew up in Yuma, Arizona and as an adult, I've
lived in Texas, Virginia and Germany. I enjoyed
all of those places, but Germany was my favorite.
Living there was like living in "Never Never Land".
We almost forgot about the real world back in
the states. Must have been all those castles
and fairy tales! I'll treasure my memories and
friends from that time in my heart always.
I now live in New Jersey. It's a long
way from the desert I grew up in that's for sure!
But that's what happens when you marry a "Jersey"
guy. We have lived here since 1985 and something
tells me we will be here forever. I spent
7 years being a stay at home mom for our son
and I loved every minute of it! Little ones
grow up all too soon. Now to update this page.....
Life sure hasn't slowed down........
My wonderful husband changed jobs in the fall of last year. He now works in Newark and actually enjoys the commute in that hot Mustang of his. Our son, Carlton, is 12 and in 6th Grade this year. Since he started playing Lacrosse, that has become his sport of choice. So soccer is no longer a Saturday activity. He seems to have a natural ability with it and according to his God Mother, "he has the lacrosse look", LOL whatever that is :-) But she is the secretary for the Rutgers University Lacrosse coach, so she must know what she is talking about.
He still goes to the Rutgers summer camps and still thinks the best thing about it is the dining hall. And here I thought I sent him there for first rate instruction. He was very lucky to be chosen as one of only 2 6th graders selected for the middle school team. And he is even managing some play time, LOL. However, like the summer camps, he seems to have a different idea as to what the best part is. In this case, it seems to be the locker room antics.....of course getting hit in the eye and sporting a big shiner wasn't part of the plan. It's been super hectic for me, as he now has me drive him to school every morning with his equipment. And all these years I thought I had it made in this district with bus service :-) Such is the good life!
Now on to my daughter Joe Anna. MAJOR update on Joe Anna. She did in deed graduate from Rutgers. Then she moved back home, LOL, something is wrong with that scenario, but I do have to say it was nice having her around all the time. Then she made this significant change in her life. She left for AmeriCorps in January. Now for those of you (like me) who never heard of this, it's like a U.S. version of the Peace corps. Her home base is in Denver and she spent her first 10 week assignment there doing computer literacy in a downtown Boys & Girls Club. She loved it and even managed a trip down to Santa Fe while there. She came home for Easte weekend which was one big blur, what with her trying to see all her friends and celebrating Easter and lots of family birthdays. Her current assignment is in Minnesota, camping no less, doing wetlands restoration. OK, camping is a BAD word in my dictionary and I have even had email from her finally saying that Mom is right, camping in the rain is not a fun thing at all. But a BIG change comes about tomorrow (Mother's Day) when she will be leaving her current assignment and going to help out with disaster relief in the tornado stricken area. I don't have an exact location yet. It's sorta kewl to see someone her age so idealistic and ready to help the world. Heck, she even helped build a house during part of her community service time in Denver. And I have heard rumors that the place is still standing :-) She will be home for a much deserved break the end of June and then returns to Denver mid July for 2 more assignments. Time will tell where those assignments might take her. So that's her BIG update.
Now I need to get on the ball and load her graduation photos.
Rumor has it she finished her classes at Rutgers College and will indeed "walk" this May. For the first time she really is enjoying school and plans on taking a couple of graduate classes this term. Not sure I can handle the shock..........
She still continues with the job she has had for 3 years though.......Express Clothing at one of the malls. She really likes retail and will probably seek out a managerial position with Express before she pursues her Psych background. She has grown into a very lovely young woman.