Information about:

State Minas Gerais
Ouro Preto - detail
Minas Gerais means "General Mines" and as its name sugests is the leading mineral producing state in Brazil. It is located at the central east part of Brazil. Gold and gemstones (diamond, berils, tourmalines and others) attracted the first colonists, originating several
picturesque towns, like Ouro Preto (former capital), Sabará, Tiradentes,Serro, etc. Nowadays, mining, cattle raising and industry are important parts of its economy
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte
Belo Horizonte ( partial view)
Belo Horizonte is the capital of Minas Gerais, and is located in eastern Brazil, approximately 354 km (220 mi) north of Rio de Janeiro, and at about 950 m above sea level. The climate is mild most of the year, averaging between 22/28 Celsius (= 70 / 80 farenheit). It is Brazil's first modern planned city, with wide avenues that were laid out like the spokes of a wheel in 1897 on a site near the geographic center of the state. Today, the original plan corresponds to the to the city center
Belo Horizonte is an important market for local crops and livestock, and is also a transportation center. Immense deposits of iron are located eastward,encompassing several neighboring towns, and mines are located all around.About 30 km away is Nova Lima, a gold mine town that once was one of the deepest in the world, and is still active. Industrial development has been rapid since 1950, and many factories have been built in the Cidade Industrial, about 16 km (10 mi) westward. Though there are not many tourist points in the city itself, visitors can tour several historical towns and beautiful limestone caves not far from the town.
My place
Macacos village
Though we had long lived in Belo Horizonte, this year it was possible to move to our country house nearby, a tiny one-street village called Macacos (Monkeys), only 23 km ( = 14.2 miles) away from the big city. It most likely began as a gold-seeker settlement. A few families have lived there since its beginning.Today some are raising cattle. or more recently, working as caretakers of country houses, scattered all around. A few inns and restaurants have also appeared in the last years. Though at least two and a half times older then Belo Horizonte, Macacos has remained a small place, and its old time inhabitants retain their identity. One of them told us the jaguar story you can read on this site.

Here, the village street ends in a small square in front the church.

The yellow object in the background on the right has long been the only phone in this small village

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