Don't buy wild animals as pets !

In Brazil it is presently illegal to hunt, own, buy or sell native wild animals - many of them, unfortunately near extinction ( in many other countries that own tropical faunas there are similar restrictions). Unfortunately too, illegal commerce is a flourishing business, mostly aiming at export. Thought some bigger animals are actually hunted for their furs - even now in this age of perfect syntetic ones ! - the majority (at least of mammals and birds) are meant for the pet market in developed countries. Can you imagine what lies behind of that cute monkey, jungle cat or gorgeous bird you are tempted to buy in the pet shop? Dozens, even hundreds that died - parents were destroyed so that their offspring could be taken; others die of heat, coldness, suffocation or/and starvation in closed trucks or boxes - it's illegal, so one must hide them ! You, who chose a pet page to visit, are almost certainly a person who love animals, and who would do your best to make that pet happy ! but even if you could - and this is very difficult in a domestic environment - think of those hundreds and hundreds that you'll never see and oppose this commerce !

... and should these reasons not be enought for you, consider...

Almost all new dangerous and letal viruses for humans, in the past decades ,were introduced to us by wild animals. Quarantine may not detect them, because in many instances they cause no harm to their usual hosts. There are no tests, vaccinations or specific treatment for unknown viruses !!! If you wish scientific, thrustworthy and up to date information about this subject take a look at this list of links elaborated at the Tulane University (USA) on Emerging Viruses - information and research.

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