xeero's guestbook

hi there! thanx for checking out my guestbook.
please feel free to sign in and share your thoughts.
happy computing!


Sherry - 11/17/00 07:09:25
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/sherry767/index.html
My Email:Sherry767@aol.com
How found xeero: Ridin' "The Rail" :-)

Hi! Love your page (s) and your thoughts. I also visited your other site (s) as well,Hawaiian Cyberdome and the UH page, very neat and well done sites. You are to be commended for a job well done. Drop by my site whenever ya get a chance and check it out! :-)

phybur - 09/15/00 02:49:48
My URL:http://www.virtue.nu/phybur
My Email:phybur_awbtique@yahoo.com
How found xeero: a link on someone's page

this is a really great site. it's very inspiring and motivational! super job!

Sunny - 06/12/00 13:06:30
My Email:hyperdog@cool.com
How found xeero: got lost

Cool site! BTW how did you make those xeero's zone buttons?

m - 03/26/00 02:17:26
My URL:http://www.zoi.org
My Email:m@zoi.org
How found xeero: award

awesome site! i love xeero! xoxo m

Burt - 03/23/00 05:01:16
My Email:taz-01@hawaii.edu
How found xeero: allan?

Hey allan is this you? Anyway, cool site... dang I think that I need to learn a lot more on html. Very interesting topics! :-)

Van - 02/23/00 11:16:58
My Email:vanessac@hotmail.com

HI allan, great job... hope to see u soon in mail or whatever! van

Clint - 10/26/99 19:46:15
My Email:clintonc@usc.edu
How found xeero: Luck

I like your page xeero... it got a lot better than when you first made it! I can tell that your computer skills are a lot better now! haha... teach me the ways of the master!

THEVMAN - 09/15/99 02:55:42


Leilani - 07/28/99 22:30:13
My URL:http://angelfire.com/hi2/grin/index.html
My Email:lwmango@yahoo.com
How found xeero: From a link at Meg's Place

Hi!I really like your webpage!I especially like your little mascot person,(the little computer guy that appears on the award),you should name him Widget!Thanks,and come sign my guestbook. -Leilani- *.*

sabine and ronald - 04/01/99 17:56:47
My URL:http://members.vol.at/Sabine.gabriel

Hi! We like your homepage very much! It is really great! Greetings from Austria!!!

Yvette - 12/30/98 08:00:17
My URL:http://surf.to/obsession
My Email:Evie78@aol.com

hey, this is CUTE! and thanks for reminding ppl to wash their hands after using the restrooms....it's one of my petpeeves (maybe you should add that using SOAP makes it that much better!)

~*Margaret*~ - 11/28/98 01:13:51
My URL:/southbeach/breakers/6379
My Email:mcross@sno.net
How found xeero: Xeero signed my guestbook

Hiya, nice page you have ... like the cute button thing you made ... anyway thanx for signing my guestbook .. ~*MaRgArEt*~

Jacqueline Q. - 11/15/98 03:53:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/2183
My Email:lil-one@geocities.com
How found xeero: From someone else's site

HeY! Xeero is so adorable how did you come up with the character? Great job! well, keep up the great work!

Faith - 11/14/98 21:58:33
My Email:FaithInGod101@ccnmail.com
How found xeero: i don't remember

i think you've got a great page going, but i have tried your patience thing, and it didn't work....i dunno what will.....and by the way..... where did you get the music that is on your front page? it's fantabulous!

Kristina Anderson - 10/30/98 20:03:56
My Email:kristinaanderson@msn.com
How found xeero: through peacemakerMichael's site

I like your site. Love the music! Love all the color!

princess albireo - 10/26/98 11:44:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/3957
My Email:princessalbireo@unforgettable.com
How found xeero: just hitchhikin' on the superhiway

cute page. very . . . soothing and happy:)

10/03/98 23:30:32
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

kristen - 08/31/98 21:44:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/shores/6758/
My Email:krispice@hotmail.com
How found xeero: Another pages link

Your page kicks toosh!! You rock the web page designing world bud! Keep up the fabo' work and I'll be coming back often!! bye byes, have a good day!!!

Ginia - 08/24/98 23:53:18
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/nolabel/giddyup/index.html
My Email:giddyup@gurlmail.com
How found xeero: clicking on a Bit

I love your webpage!!! I love all of your c-pets!! They are all so original and different from what I have seen!!!! I am going to come back later and adopt a Bit!!!! :)Ginia

Rosepetal - 08/12/98 23:30:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Pointe/6328
My Email:rosepetal1@geocities.com
How found xeero: an award you gave out

I love your page

Kim Klein - 07/07/98 04:37:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/6138
My Email:ckkid@hotmail.com
How found xeero: traci's page

COOL !!!!

Ollie - 07/02/98 05:18:33
My URL:http://eccentrica.org/ollie
My Email:ollie82@goplay.com
How found xeero: :P

I really like your page! I have taken one of your little bits i think they are called! don't worry, i have given you credit! and on my main page too! feel special. They are so very cute. you are a great web artist. keep up the great work! i have your page bookmarked, so i will definately be back! please check out my homepage if you ever get time! by the way, i love your appletts! i would never even try to make them, they seem really hard! well, bye!

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