September 1998 Moms Updates! :)

Well, it is now August 2000, and our September 1998 babies have already started to celebrate their 2nd birthdays (Pam's Jack, Mic's Denaé, and several others. Checkout the babies page to see who)! WOW! Time has sure flown by so fast :)

We also have several members who are expecting another child (Pam, Mic, Mary, Babs, Diane, Kelly, Patricia H, Erika) or who have already given birth to another child (Miriam, Lisa L, Kymberlee, Aimee, Carla). We also have an upcoming marriage (and pregnancy too!) .... Congratulations Kelly ... now Mrs. Larabie!

Last updated August 15th, 2000
© September 1998 Moms, all rights reserved