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Flower Bar

The Prokop Family

Steve, Julianne,
Rhiannon, Michael, Joey & Sean

Flower Bar


Juli and Steve Photoblank spaceHi, I'm Julianne and I am so happy you stopped by! I created these pages to share family news with our friends and family and, yes, to show off our children! I'm a stay-at-home mom to three terrific sons ranging in age from infant to teenager (Sean, Joey and Michael) and a part-time "mom" to a 15-year-old stepdaughter (Rhiannon). (Figures my husband would only give his former wife a daughter but, hey, Rhiannon's a great kid and I'm happy to share her!) You can see pictures and learn more about our children by clicking on their name above. You can also visit our family photo album or our Maui Vacation page for even more photos.

blank spaceI have a home-based word processing business that keeps me pretty busy. Between my work, my family, my scrapbooking hobby (see our links page for fun scrapbooking resources) and my borderline addiction to the internet, I'm seriously sleep deprived! Please go to the bottom of this page to sign our guestbook (any comments are greatly appreciated!) or send me e-mail to let me know what you think about my first attempt at creating a home page.

blank spaceMy husband Steve is a terrific husband and father. He's an electrical engineer at Whittaker Electronic Systems, a division of Condor Systems. His work is so complicated that I can't even pretend to understand what he's working on half the time but basically he designs electronic warfare systems. You've heard of that "engineer" stereotype? Well, it's true. Steve is very logical ("just give me the facts - and in concise detail please") and I live by my emotions. Some people think it's the "Venus & Mars" thing, but I think it's more of an "engineer/non-engineer" thing! We have some pretty interesting conversations but I think we balance each other nicely. Steve got his engineering degree from UCLA and is a die-hard Bruin fan (USC Trojan fans beware!). Click here to send Steve e-mail.

blank spaceThanks for visiting us and I hope you enjoy browsing our pages! Please come back soon as I plan on adding lots of fun things!

Garden Line

Here are our children. Aren't they cute?
There's a page for each of them with more photos and stuff.
Just click on the adorable face you want to see more of!

Prokop Kids 12/97

You can also get to the kids' pages this way. . .

Want to meet our 15-year-old daughter Rhiannon?
Here's a page about our 14-year-old son Mike.Updated 10/18/97
Come say hi to our 4-year-old, Joey.
Come meet our littlest angel, Sean. Updated 10/25/97

Here our some pictures from our recent Hawaiian vacation.

Want to see more family pictures?
The Prokop Family Album

Want links to our favorite places on the Web?
Links Updated 10/18/97 (added lots of great scrapbooking sites)

Want to hear the latest happenings with the Prokop's?
From how many teeth the baby has to Mikie's football activities, it's all here:
The Prokop Family News

Would you like to continue your journey through a Web Ring?

Garden Line

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If you fill out the above form, you will be notified when this page has been updated. Since I plan on adding pictures and other fun things often, this will be a great way to know when to come back and visit again! Since I don't think you'll want to fill out a form for every page on this site, only this main page will be monitored. Look for little Updated Sign signs on this page to know which of the other pages have been changed. Neat, huh?

Garden Line

Email JuliWrite me:

Write Steve: Email Steve


Garden Line

Web Rings

I'm proud to be a part of some very special web rings. If you found me through a ring, just go to my Rings Page. Even if you didn't get here through a ring and are just lost or bored in cyberspace, try checking out one of the rings to get to some nice web sites!

Some of the rings I belong to are:

Green bullet The ParentSoup Ring -- ParentSoup is a wonderful place to visit if you have children and they have a huge web ring linking other parents' pages together.

Green bullet The Parents Ring -- Family oriented pages and lots of good ones!

Green bullet The Heartland Ring -- Mostly family oriented pages from the Geocities Heartland Community.

Green bullet Moms With Modems Ring -- All pages created by moms!

Green bullet The December Moms Ring -- This ring is really special to me. When I was pregnant with Sean, I joined an internet mailing list for women who were due to have babies in December of 1996. Even though Sean was a few weeks early and born in November, I still consider myself a December mom! We became great friends who shared everything during our pregnancies and we still "talk" daily about our lives and new babies. Through thick and thin (yes, we've all been "thick" but, no, not all of us are "thin" yet!), we support each other. If you'd like to meet some of the other December moms and see their babies, just go to the Moms of December Ring.

Please take a minute and sign our guestbook. Thank you!

Sign GuestbookLpage LinkView Guestbook

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All of our pages are definitely best viewed with Netscape Link or MSIE Link


With gratitude to the following places for the backgrounds and graphics on my pages:

Windy's LinkPhyllis' Link MousePad Link Touch of Country Link

Cyberspace Place Link Kids Place Link Graphics Station LinkBordertown Link

Also, extra special thanks to. . .

Green bullet Jeff for his Using FrontPage with GeoCities help pages. Couldn't have done it without him!
green bullet My friends Scott and Charmaine of
The Mankey Family for their advice and infinite wisdom on web page creation!
green bullet
Linda Hines for her support, help and encouragement when I was just getting started.
green bulletAnd last, but not least, Karen P. for pointing out my embarrassing typos on this page!!!


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This page has been accessed times since July 5, 1997.

Updated 10/29/97