She is unto herself an island.
            --In her world there is no other.
            No one. She is alone, all alone.
            --Was there once a lover, a sister or mother?

            It was so long ago, if ever she was young,
            --Faded into nothingness. Even she
            Matters little now. Scourged by society's omission,
            To live is a burden; to exist is the key.

            Her hair is snarled and wispy gray,
            --Uncut, untended, stained with yellow.
            Eyes, unseen, must be rheumy and weary,
            --Cheeks etched with lines, sunken and sallow.

            Face hidden in a rusty old coat,
            --Skinny ankles engulfed in a too-large pair
            Of men's shoes, without laces, cracked with age,
            --Tarnished brown by the smut of her lair.

            Back bent she shuffles down Second Street,
            --Eyes downcast to avoid the gaze
            Of those she might chance to meet
            --In the city's bewildering maze.

            By day she wanders aimlessly, going nowhere,
            --Expected by no one at any time,
            Wrapped in a cocoon of heedlessness,
            --Returning by night to the clutter and grime.

            Of her single cheerless and lonely cell,
            --To lie unwashed on her narrow cot.
            There is not a shred of beauty there,
            --Nor of solace and comfort. She knows them not.

            To think that there is among us
            --A soul so shunned and turned away.
            Where is our loving outstretched hand?
            --Where is our compassion and pity, we pray?

            Would that there were no single other,
            --But she is not the only one.
            There are countless outcasts like her,
            --Loved, perchance, by God alone.

            Our Lodge
            Waltz of the Star's
            My Secret Hour
            So Late
            Creation Of Woman
            You Have Gone
            Master Scribe
            Walk in Beauty
            Ode To An Outcast
            Thread of Time

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