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Knight In Shining ArmorRequirements to receive this award:

Perpetuate Kindness on your Web Page and to all persons on the Internet.

Please Sign My Guestbook

Send one of use the URL to your Web Page. We will visit your page as soon as we can. The Web page must have a page or pages that are dedicated to helping children.

The Web Page "Can Not" Contain any Pornography, Violence, or Bigotry.

See if you are Worthy, Email Wishmaker

Add this Link to the Award after you have been chosen as a winner: /Heartland/Meadows/9754/wishingwell.htm

Please don't take the Awards.

Kind Knight's Award

Wishmaker's Kind Knight's Sword Of Truth

Kind Knight's Creed

This award has Three parts

The first part is the award is the award itself and the second part will be the part that makes you a Kind Knight, the third part is the Kind Knight's Creed.. The second part is the Sword of Truth, and it will be personalized and then emailed to you. This three part award is meant to give recognition to those people that have a will to help a child in need. To those people that can offer a bright light to the the darkness of a suffering child. To those people that selflessly give their Time, Prayers, Wishes, and their Hearts to those children that may have only a short time. May the blessings of the Almighty Creator be the reward for the recipients of this award for his gift is far greater than this award could ever be.


Honored Kind Knights

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