
LinkExchange Member

The Happy Page!

I decided to make this page one evening when I was feeling down. I started making a list of things that made me smile and feel happy. Then I started wondering what made other people from all over the world happy. So here we are now!

I welcome you to share with me some things that make you happy. Just mail them to Please make your submissions "G" rated...I want people of ALL ages to be able to visit this site and share with everyone the things that make them HAPPY!!!

Things that make people HAPPY!!

Daezy: USA

  1. Snugglin' on the couch with Hubby watching a good movie
  2. Having my kids run up and give me a kiss for no reason at all
  3. Special friends who make me smile
  4. Pupper kisses all over my face
  5. My two fat cats purring
  6. PURPLE sparklie paint
  7. PURPLE jewelry
  8. PURPLE pages
  9. PURPLE Christmas lights

`MidNyte: Iowa, USA

  1. My wonderful family
  2. Harley Davidsons, especially PuRpLe ones
  3. Computers
  4. Great friends, of which I am fortunate to have many
  5. My ornery kitty
  6. Working on my Web Page - `MidNyte's WiLd Side!
  7. Sunrises and Sunsets
  8. A clear, starry night
  9. Tigers, cats, Lions...
  10. Reading a good book that I can't put down from start to finish
  11. Good health

Ilima: USA

  1. A warm blankie on a cold night
  2. A warm smile and a kind word
  3. The love of a good friend
  4. A rainbow
  5. Playing in the rain with a bunch of kids
  6. Ice Cream!!!
  7. Sharing a special moment with someone you love
  8. The laughter of a child
  9. Giving of yourself to someone less fortunate...with no strings attatched
  10. Knowing you made a few people laugh when they were down

_Hobbit: USA

  1. Pistachio ice cream
  2. My kitty katz
  3. Blue sky and sunshine
  4. Steak and Potatoes
  5. A child's smile
  6. A criminal brought to justice
  7. Lots of friendly traffic in my channel (#Globalchat, Undernet IRC)
  8. Meeting IRC friends
  9. Queen in concert
  10. My TOTALLY aweseome Aussie babe...everything about her!

Amy: Hawaii, USA

  1. Rain
  2. Hugs
  3. Music
  4. The ocean
  5. My family
  6. My friends
  7. Soda
  8. Peace and quiet
  9. Nature
  10. God

Dyanna, Age 20: Texas, USA

  1. My loved ones (family and friends)
  2. Watching children play
  3. Crackling fireplaces on a cold night
  4. Angels
  5. Helping someone through a rough time
  6. Hugs
  7. Looking at the stars on a clear, cool summer night
  8. Frogs
  9. Telling someone you love them
  10. Life

Lanikai: Kailua, Oahu, Hawaii

  2. bunnyfrog
  3. bunnyfish
  4. bunnyhorsey
  5. bunnygator
  6. bunnymouse
  7. bunnyfish
  8. bunnymuffin
  9. bunnyputer

Calvin: Australia

  1. Bunny
  2. cats
  3. Poetry by TS Eliot
  4. Eating lots and never getting fat
  5. Anything from Spain
  6. Dishwashing liquid in a jacuzzi
  7. Raindrops on Roses
  8. Whiskers on kittens
  9. Bright sunny meadows
  10. Warm wooly mittens
  11. Brown Cardboard boxes tied up with string.

Melissa: Pennsylvania, USA

  1. My six-year-old son
  2. My little sister
  3. My friends
  4. My family
  5. Angels
  6. Memories of my childhood
  7. Chocolate
  8. Colorful pages
  9. Sunny days
  10. Music

Bo Johnson: USA

  1. Talking with my girlfriend Tanya
  2. Hunting
  3. Fishing
  4. Hugging
  5. Kissing

Stevo "Breon", Age 40-Something: Planet Zindar

  1. Sunrises on IRC
  2. Taking time to feel the love of the world
  3. Dreaming
  4. Squeezing a lil puppy's belly til it goes "Hrrrmmmphh"
  5. Holding hands with my girl anywhere
  6. Making new friends all over the world
  7. Playing my guitar
  8. Playing the flute I made myself
  9. Receiving the gifts from the Universe to sing and play for my friends to enjoy : )
  10. Knowing I had so many things that make me happy I had to choose from a long list : )

NeeNee, Age 13: El Paso, TX, USA

  1. Frogs
  2. Being with my friends
  3. Listening to music
  4. Ballet
  5. Singing
  6. Being with my boyfriend
  7. Making someone feel good
  8. Having someone tell you they love you
  9. Laughing
  10. Chocolate

Deception: Australia

  1. Beer
  2. Family and friends
  3. Chocolate
  4. Beer
  5. My motorbike
  6. The Simpsons
  7. KFC
  8. Beer
  9. Whipped cream
  10. Beer

Linsey Runnels: El Paso, TX, USA

  1. My best friends (Renee and Zeke)
  2. When my little brother and I get along
  3. Peaches
  4. The radio
  5. Being with my friends
  6. Laughing
  7. Chicago Bulls winning
  8. Coloring
  9. Walking
  10. When someone says they love me

Ashley Karn: Penticton, B.C., Canada

  1. Horses
  2. Rainbows
  3. My mom
  4. My dad
  5. My brother

Aimie, Age 17: England

  1. My boyfrend
  2. My little brothers and sisters
  3. Sunny days
  4. My best friend
  5. Weddings
  6. Haagen Daaz ice cream
  7. Skiing
  8. Exotic holidays
  9. Kissing
  10. Relaxing

Marvalous, Age Twenty-something: Italy

  1. Smiling children
  2. Playing with children
  3. Yalking to children
  4. Helping children learn
  5. Watching children play together
  6. Coloring with children
  7. Listening to children
  8. Helping children eat
  9. Tickling children
  10. Hugging children

plan_b: Hawaii, USA

  1. Sunshine
  2. Skateboarding
  3. Music
  4. Yummy Food
  5. Friends
  6. Family
  7. Nice girls
  8. Laughing
  9. Hugs
  10. A sheep named Myflok

Cat, Age 30: Bay Area, California, USA

  1. Getting ready to be a first time Mommy
  2. Eric...someone very special in my life
  3. My family, most esp. my Mom = )
  4. Good friends like Mikey and Cindy
  5. The SF 49ers..and FOOTBALL Sundays = )
  6. Anything and I do mean Anything Disney
  7. Bon Jovi memories
  8. The "TuFF" years... = )
  9. Hugs of any kind
  10. Real people with real smiles

Jos, Age 25: The Netherlands

  1. Listening rockmusic
  2. eating chocolate
  3. drink red wine, beer or whiskey
  4. walking the dog in the forest
  5. traveling
  6. sunny weather
  7. going out with friends in the weekend
  8. my mum, dad, sister and brother
  9. watching star trek on tv


  1. BunnyCat
  2. Laughing
  3. QuarterPounderCheeze
  4. Whopper
  5. IceCream!!!
  6. Music
  7. Being crazy (in a good way)
  8. Be with friends.
  9. RollerBlading
  10. Windsurfing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucykins, Age 21: Brisbane, Australia

  1. windy days
  2. tickling a cats tummy
  3. holding hands
  4. my family
  5. high places
  6. being tickled by my bf
  7. warm bed on cold day
  8. canon in D

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