Karay Samoyeds & Arabians

In The Beginning.....

There once was a house without need of repair, contact lenses that could be worn without fear of doghair stuck to them, a family oblivious to dog shows, rescue, canine care, and so forth. All of that changed forever November 1990....

The Telephone Call.....

The telephone rings..... Elaine Gold (Goldstar Samoyeds) had received a call telling her that a dog from one of her litters had been picked up by Animal Control, after escaping from the empty apartment he had been living in. Bear needed immediate help, or would have to be put down. We agreed to help, and welcomed Bear into our home that same evening.

Rescue 911.......

Rescue certainly changes everything, especially when you realize how many others need help too. Bear was horribly in need of therapy, and with the help of outstanding Veterinarians, we learned how to deal with his past trama. From there, Central Ohio Samoyed Rescue was born.

The Rest Is History......

More Samoyeds, more rescues, more home repairs.... As the Karay crew increased, so did our love for this beautiful canine. We made the rounds on the show circuit, until serious injuries forced a two year absence. Now recovered, our Samoyeds have matured, and are ready to compete again. And of course, rescue continues.......