Oneida Counseling Ministry

An Ecumenical Ministry sponsored by
the Oneida Association of the New York Conference
United Church of Christ

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The Therapists
Member Churches
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A recent Gallup poll found that 66% of persons would prefer a therapist who represented spiritual values and beliefs; 81% would prefer a therapist who enabled them to integrate their values and belief system into their counseling.

The Counseling Ministry

Oneida Counseling Ministry provides skilled assistance to families, couples, and individuals within the context of a community of faith in Syracuse and the surrounding area.

This ministry has been started by a group of clergy and lay-persons who believe that professional counseling by trained, Christian counselors, has an important place in close relationship with the Church community.

The program is a specialized ministry which is overseen by a Committee of the Oneida Association of the New York Conference, United Church of Christ. It is also an ecumenical ministry, welcoming Member Churches from all denominations.

Need Counseling?

Times of transition often bring with them difficulty. If you are struggling, we invite you to talk with one of your counselors about your personal or family concerns. OCM therapists see people who are dealing with:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • family tensions
  • marital conflict
  • pre-marital concerns
  • difficulty in personal relationships
  • confusion and uncertainty
  • spiritual issues
  • stress management

Who May Use these Services?

Anyone who wants to talk with a counselor about a personal or family concern.

The services of the Oneida Counseling Ministry are available to those associated with one of the Member Churches. Clergy of Member Churches may make referrals to therapists and consult with counselors regarding their pastoral concerns. Those wishing to make an appointment may contact the pastor of a Member Church for a referral to an OCM therapist or contact a therapist or the OCM administrator directly. If the therapist's schedule permits, a therapist may choose to see persons not connected to any Member Church.

What is the Cost of these Services?

All fees are based on family income. The therapist will discuss financial arrangements in the first visit. Payment by personal check is due upon receipt of the service unless otherwise stated. OCM does not accept insurance. However, the therapist can provide a letter of service which can be filed by the client.

Services to the Church

The therapists of the Oneida Counseling Ministry offer unlimited consultation services to the member pastors in regard to pastoral counseling they are doing. Workshops are provided for clergy on such topics as: when to refer, family therapy, dealing with depression, and so on.


Updated 05/23/03