We have Ruby Redthroat hummingbirds!!!!
We have seen up to 3 of them flying around at a time.
We have been able to identify 1 female and 2 males.

Our picture window in the back gives us a wonderful view of their
activity at the feeders, in the porched area or in the courtyard.

We have 2 feeders hanging at the back porch.
We also have various flowers in the yard.
Their favorites seem to be Red Cap Floribunda Roses,
Purple Coneflower, hibiscus, glads, and salvia.

Once in a while they will perch in the
crape myrtle trees around the courtyard.

Photography is a bit tricky because they dart around so much.
These pictures were taken indoors where they have limited vision of us.

The following pictures were taken in 1999.

These pictures were taken consecutively. It's as if she realized we were
trying to take her pictures. So she turned around to show her "good side".

Getting ready to take a drink.

Taking a rest.

This little one is dazed
after hitting our picture window.
It flew off shortly after
this picture was taken.

The following pictures were taken in May 17, 2003.

While working in the herb bed, a hummingbird flew into the kitchen window.
He was knocked unconsious for a while.
In an effort to keep the dogs from him,  Cassaundra held him
while he recovered, while I ran for a camera.
After a minute he regained consciousness, but was still dazed.
Ten minutes later he was coherent enough to fly off,
but he didn't venture far at first.
He fluttered around us in the garden for a few minutes, then he flew off
only to return and hover around each of us before he went to feeders.

Photographs (c) Greg Nelson, 1999, 2003.

Hummingbird clipart art found at