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Waldron Coat of Arms

Fortis et Velox
Strong and Swift

The history of this ancient Gloucestershire family traces its ancestry as a family of Anglo Saxon origin before the year 1100 and appears first in the ancient records in Gloucestershire . There is a Harleian Manuscript for the name Waldron Main County - County SOMERSETSHIRE.

What, you may ask, are the Harleian Manuscripts?

Briefly, they are the genealogists dreamworld to early English families. Over 20,000 families registered their lineage from the Conquest down to the 17th century. They are a record of the "Visitations", the peripatetic investigation of heralds and pursuivants of English and Welsh families from about 1530 to the close of the 17th century. Also included are some Irish and Scottish families who were picked up because they had arrived and settled in England and Wales from their original domains in those countries. They are recorded in Manuscripts and their folios and are now held in the British Museum in London, England. These surnames formed the backbone of present English surnames, and while they are not complete, they do give visibility to many early surnames in the British Isles.

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