The videos, files of me singing, and a few other multimedia files on this site were created and compressed using QuickTime for windows. This is an excelent movie player as well as a web standard. It comes with a browser plug-in for viewing web movies like the ones found here. It only takes a few minutes to download and install .Click Here to get it FREE!
The embedded midi tracks on this site were optimized for playback using the Yamaha Midplug browser plug-in. I really like this product and would encourage anyone to get it. It is also free to download. Click here to get it FREE!
The media files on this page and throughout this website have been accumulated over time from various sources on the Web. If any of these files are the original composition of you, and you would like either credit or deletion of that file, please E-Mail me and your request will be expeditiously carried out.
Derek's Spycam
Take a peek into our home by way of my Spycam!
Image updated periodically while we're online for any extended period of time and the software is running, however you will need to reload the page in order to see the updated image.
Derek Sings
Here are a few musical treats for your listening pleasure (or displeasure) ! These are not to be taken as auditions to anything, only me having some fun with the songs. These play immediately after choosing a song from the Drop-Down Menu.
Compressed into QuickTime Movie format
Please, no e-mails knocking my crooning ability!
These are for you, Mom!
Click on the handle of the "One Armed Bandit" to play!
Web Design and Authoring by Derek S. Crocker