Our Cat Thor

Running cat.gif

Thor lounging in the sinkThor chasing a mouse

Thor had belonged to Amanda when we first met. He was just a scrawny little guy who definitely didn't like sharing Amanda's affection with me. He would cuff at me for no apparent reason except that I was moving in on his territory. When we all began to live together, Thor had a lot of adjusting to do. He was accustomed to having free reign of his environment and that included the kitchen counters, the kitchen table, and the back yard. I was not going to tolerate the climbing on the table or counters. No way! He was stubborn to follow the new rules but adjusted okay. The back yard took a little longer. There are a few neighborhood cats around that he now had to live with. He liked to act tough, but after a few good beatings by other cats he agreed it was better to share than to get walloped in fights everyday.

It's been 5 years now since Thor (we call him "T" for short) began his unwelcomed adjustment and he is growing older and less active. We love having him here. He can bring us a smile at any time and always offers a little affection when you could use it the most. We couldn't imagine our home without him here.


Thor in his Chair

Web Design and Authoring by Derek S. Crocker