Ayren's Birth Story

I went to the doctors on Tuesday, October 6,1998. The doctor told me that it looked to be a while yet. But since my due date was October 8, he said he would let me consider going in and being induced. Of course this being the second one, I did not want to wait any longer. So, I told him to go on and schedule me for the 8th. Well then he proceeds to tell me that maybe the hospital won't have any openings for that day. So I told him if not, give me the next available day. He called the hospital, and the whole time I prayed that there would be room for me on that day, because there was no way I was waiting to much longer. He got off the phone and told me to be there around 7:30am on the 8th and he would be in to get me set up.

The day came very fast. My mom took Ayden, and Scott, my DH, came with me to the hospital. They put me in a big room in the corner and thank goodness...because other women showed up and they put them right there in the room with me. And they were in the middle so you could see them, but not me. The nurse already had me on the pit drip, and at 7:45am the contractions were little...didn't feel too much. The doctor came in and said I wasn't dilating - only 1cm - and said if this didn't work that I would have to go home and try again another day. ("Not me!" said Marsha!!) He also said that if I get to at least 3 to 4 cm that he would break the water, then he left.

My husband and I stayed in that room for two hours. Remember that I am in a room with 2 other women getting the same thing as I am about the same time I did, and God, were they starting to scream after 2 hours! And there I sat feeling nothing but gas pains.

The doctor came back after 2 hours, and said that I was up to 4cm! He told me that they were moving me to the other room and that he would be back to break the water. I was so excited thinking, "Thank goodness it's coming to an end!" So he broke the water and then it was down hill from there. Oh I don't mean right away...for the next hour I was still laughing and talking. I told Scott to go get some coffee and something to eat and come back.

After the 3rd hour was here I was really feeling the effects of the pitocin. Now the nurses kept turning it up higher and higher. (I really didn't think there was any left!) At 11:00am I asked for some pain reliever, and she gave me some. It only helped for only about 15 minutes. The doctor came back and said it would be any time now.

Now it was 11:30am, and I was not a happy camper. At this time I told Scott that I hope the nurse hurries up and gets in here because I felt like pushing. She must have been outside the door, because she came in and and told Scott to go and get dressed...that I would be delivering any time now that the doctor was right outside. The nurse checked me over and said, "Uh-oh!" I looked at her and said, "Uh-oh, what?" She told Scott to hurry up...that the baby's head was crowning. I told the nurse that I was going to push, and she said "Nooooooo!" The other nurse went to get the doctor, and she couldn't find him. She said he was just out there. We can't wait anymore said the other one. Now I don't remember this too well...only what Scott told me. I was way out of it from the pain. He said they were in such a hurry, they were knocking the bed off the walls just to get me in the delivery room.

Finally they get me there and tell me to put my legs up into the straps, which they never got there...they were cockeyed. Finally the doctor comes in with the assistant, and he says push. I pushed, nothing because I let the air out of my mouth, and I got yelled at for that one. So he says "Get ready to push again but hold on to the handles this time." So when the next contraction comes I push with everything I have. Out comes the pee and the baby at the same time. The assistant says "Wow! We got a golden shower here!" Scott laughed, I laughed, and so did everyone else. Hey what did they expect. Well, there was my angel and she still is to this day. She was born exactly 4 hours from when I got my first pit injection. That was easy...will I do it again?


Marsha {Ayden (5yrs) and Ayren's(October 8, 1998) mommy}


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