Ellen Oppliger, President
Second Monday of the month at 1:30 pm
Rebekah Hall, Esplanade & Warren Streets, Bellwood
Kady Brownell Tent #25, Bellwood, Nebraska, was instituted May 19, 1934. Thirteen daughters and granddaughters of Union veterans met at the home of Mrs. Mary Smith with Department President, Lola E. Timmons and Past Department President, Eva M. Rye, both of Omaha Tent #1, in charge. The members of Julia Dent Grant Tent #22 of Surprise, Nebraska, installed the new officers May 25, 1934, with Mrs. Lula Gill presiding. A silk flag was presented to the new tent from Department President, Lola Timmons, given by her tent.
The tent members have contributed to many projects over the years. For a period of time, lap robes and bibs were made for the residents of the Nebraska Veterans Home in Grand Island. Members have volunteered in V.A. Medical Centers and the State-owned Veterans Home at Grand Island, and observe all patriotic days.
Our tent was honored with a member, Anna Kinnison, being National President in 1977-78, National Treasurer 1991-1994, and, since 1994, serving as National Registrar. Dorothy Forre, the National Secretary in 1977-78, is also from our tent.
The tent gives flags to each child in the kindergarten class on Lincoln's birthday and the teacher incorporates this into a full patriotic day for the class. Members prepare the Memorial Day program with the American Legion Post at the Bellwood Cemetery and help with the ceremonies at Pleasant View, a pioneer cemetery in the area.
Our tent has participated in Civil War Medal of Honor ceremonies at several Nebraska cemeteries, were color bearers at a recent Civil War-related dedication at the Plainsman Museum in Aurora, and stand ready to represent the DUV at other occasions.
The tent celebrated its 65th Anniversary with an Open House on Sunday, June 13th, 1999. Scrapbooks showing activities, the original Register book, and other historical items were on display.
If you are a descendant of a Civil War Union veteran, live in our area and are interested in history and patriotism, we would like to know you.