Name:________________________ Street Address:________________________________

City:_________________________ State: Georgia    Zip:____________________________

Home Phone:__________________ Work Phone:____________________    Date:__/ __/ __

Number  of  Years  as  a  Sanctioned  Bowler:______________________________________

Have    you    served    on    any    other    Association    Board    of    Directors:____________
 ( If    yes - please   list   the  name,   dates,   offices   held,   and   committees   served   on.   Use  back  of this form.)

List League Offices held:_______________________________________________________

Have  you  ever  been  suspended  from  A.B.C.  or  W.I.B.C.:__________________________

Have  you  ever  had  charges  brought  against  you:__________________________________
( If   yes - please  explain,   giving  the   association,   charges,   dates,   and   leagues.  Use  back  of this form.)

Are   you   willing   to   work   Saturdays:______    Sundays:______    ( This   includes Tournaments  and  other  special  events )

Will  you  help  sell  CBA  Yearbook  ads:__________    CBA Yearbooks:_______________

Are       you       willing       to       work       Leagues       on       nights       other       than      you

Do   you   work   full   or   part   time   in   a   bowling   center:_____________    If  yes  which center:________________

List   the   bowling   centers   in   which   you   currently   bowl:________________________

Indicate   which   centers   you   would   prefer   to   work:

   Azalea________       Bankhead________      Cedar Creek_______   Douglasville________

   Marietta_______        NAS___________       Paulding__________   U. S.Play__________

                 Village_________       Woodstock________     Cherokee Lanes__________

What   does   your   Family   think   about   the   possibility   of   you   serving   on   the Chattahoochee   Bowling   Association   Board   of   Directors:______________________

Explain briefly why you would like to serve on the Chattahoochee Bowling Association Board of Directors:_____________________________________________________________

Applicant`s  Signature:_____________________________________________________

Sponsor`s  Signature:______________________________________________________