Welcome to my little world!

I couldn't think of a catchy name to go with

Tangy LOL and since I spend most of my time

on my websites updating or making new ones

(can you say addicted LOL)

I'm just gonna call it my little world :o)

This page is totally devoted to my webpage links.

So come back often to see what new pages

or updating I've done.

Currently I have a total of 11 pages

and my son has 1 :o)

Most of them feature tags and backgrounds I've made

My newest pages, I really loved doing these :o),

feature a music wav and lyrics.

Click the link below to visit them

Use your browser "back" to get back to this page

until I change a few things on my webpages LOL.


The drop down box below also contains my website links. Just click and go!


Thanks for visiting my little world!


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