Some Interesting Links

Pecatonica River Reading

Real-time Pecatonica River Readings at Freeport, Illinois.

Quick Quotes

Stock market information for any stock or fund.

CNN Interactive

In this site, you'll find a representative mix of what makes CNN the news organization that it is. There are stories from every part of the globe as well as comments from your neighbors down the street.


The most comprehensive guide to communities around the world. City.Net is updated every day to provide easy and timely access to information on travel, entertainment, and local business, plus government and community services.

Lycos Web Search

Search the Web or browse it by any subject.

AltaVista Web Search

AltaVista gives you access to the largest Web index: 30 million pages found on 225,000 servers, and three million articles from 14,000 Usenet news groups. It is accessed over 12 million times per weekday.

Yahoo! People Search

This site allows you to search for people by address or phone number. You can also find email addresses and personal home pages.


The free nationwide residential and business directory.


Featuring Interactive Atlas and Trip Quest. Interactive Atlas provides an interactive street guide to maps anywhere in the continental U.S. Trip Quest is great for all your driving travel plans. This feature provides city to city driving directions for cities in the continental United States, Canada, and Mexico!

Reference Resources

Clear off that bookshelf! Toss that CD-ROM. References Resources covers all the bases. From acronyms and travel advisories to census reports and dictionaries.


Besides the hassle of finding a flight, business travel also means having to find a hotel or meeting site. Search the TravelWeb directory by location, lodging type, and price range to find the information you need. There are even restaurant reviews and sites with weather reports. Reservation capabilities will be added sometime in the future.

USA CityLink Project

Where do you want to go? If it's anywhere that has a Web site, check this site for travel and locale information.

Airlines on the Web

Airlines on the Web doesn't have any content of its own but instead points to nearly all airlines that are online.

NASA Shuttle Web

The only way to get a closer look at the Shuttle is to fly to Houston and park yourself in front of a console in Mission Control. This site bustles with activity during shuttle flights, featuring documents describing the crew, payloads, and scheduled acti vities; special video as well as image and sound-bite files. It also has continually updated images from NASA TV, so you can check exactly what the astronauts and mission-control technicians are doing graphically instead of reading dry written reports.

Music Superstore

This Web-based music superstore claims the largest selection in the world and features one of the sharpest retail interfaces on the Web.

Scott Yanoff's Special Internet Services List

Contains links to thousands of WWW sites, FTP servers, Telnet ports, Gophers and mailing lists. The list is collated by category, but not by service type. To check the type of service that any link uses, examine the protocol section of the URL shown in the status bar when you place your cursor over its hotlink.

ESPNET SportsZone

If you're into sports or just like to watch, ESPNET SportsZone is the place to be. Each day, the latest news and information about many popular sports and sports personalities is brought to you live via the World Wide Web.

The Movie Database

Have you ever found yourself in one of those arguments that seem destined to occur over coffee? Frankly, who really cares what character Clint Eastwood played in the first movie he both directed and produced? Nevertheless, it's a debate that will often dr ag on into the small hours of the morning. To solve this dilemma, what you really need is your handy laptop computer, a cellular modem, and the Internet Movie Database.

The Electronic Zoo

For animal lovers, the Electronic Zoo offers links to every related WWW page, along with a number of non-WWW sites. The Zoo was created by Dr. Ken Boschert, a veterinarian who spends many a late night surfing the Internet.


To accompany the Electronic Zoo service, Dr. Ken also maintains the NetVet WWW and Gopher server, which contains information relevant to veterinary studies.

The White House

The White House site's biggest claim to fame is not the personal message recorded by the President or the Vice President. It is not the guided tour of the White House by the First Family. Nor is it the list of publications and information about the execut ive branch of the United States government. Instead, it is the recording of Socks (the First Cat), which can be downloaded during the First Family tour. If you don't believe me, take a look for yourself. I won't tell you exactly where it is, but yes, it i s in there.

The Macmillan Web Site of the Week

The Macmillan Publishing WWW site at is the home of the Web Site of the Week competition. Web publishers are invited to nominate themselves as contestants in this competition. At the end of each week, a new WWW site is selected based on its de sign, content, and overall originality.

The Federal Web Locator

The Federal Web Locator is a service provided by the Villanova Center for Information Law and Policy and is intended to be the one stop shopping point for federal government information on the World Wide Web.

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