We believe in the plenary, verbal inspiration of the Old and New Testament Scriptures as originally given. These Scriptures are inerrant in all that they affirm and are our final authority in all matters of faith and conduct.

We believe there is one living and true God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Who are the same in essence and co-equal in power and glory.

We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man in one Person. Prior to His incarnation He eternally existed with the Father. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit; born of the Virgin Mary. Though tempted by Satan, He lived a sinless life on this earth. He paid the penalty for the sins of all men with His own blood on the cross. He arose bodily from the grave and ascended into Heaven, where He now intercedes for His own as their great High Priest.

We believe in the personality of the Holy Spirit. He convicts the

World of sin, righteousness, and judgment. At conversion He regenerates, indwells, seals and baptizes the believer into the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit fills and conforms the yielded believer increasingly to the image of Christ. He enables the believer to live a life of Christian victory through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to the Word of God. As He wills, the Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts and empowerment for spiritual service.

We believe in the direct creative acts of God during the six-day

Creation account as recorded in Genesis 1.

We believe in the personality of Satan, a fallen angel, who, with

other angelic beings, rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. Although he was defeated at the cross and his final destiny shall be the lake of fire, he continues to be the archenemy of God, angels, and man.

We believe man was created in the image of God. In Adam he fell

because of disobedience and rebellion against God and thereby incurred not only physical death, but also spiritual death which is separation from God. As a consequence, all mankind is declared by God to be totally depraved, having inherited a sinful nature and having become sinners in thought, word and deed.

We believe the grace of God provides salvation from sin for all men only through personal repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning work.

We believe the Universal Church is comprised of all true believers. With Christ as her head, she exists in local expression to glorify Him by edifying believers and evangelizing lost men everywhere.

We believe in the literal, physical, premillennial Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.


We believe that at death all men continue in conscious existence, the just in the presence of Christ, and the unjust in torment in Hades. The just await their bodily resurrection, at the rapture of the Church, to the reward of everlasting life and blessedness. The unjust await their bodily resurrection at the Great White Throne, to judgment and everlasting punishment of conscious torment in the lake of fire.

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