My husband Jim and I started our adoption journey in October of 1998.  We had been married for 6 years with no luck of having children.  We were both discouraged and were tired of the emotional roller coaster of thinking, "Maybe this will be the month!".   We bought a computer in August and one day I was surfing the web and came across an adoption web site.  I went to Jim and asked him if he would consider adopting because I was tired of waiting.  He told me he would pray about it and to find out what I could.  So, I started checking into the domestic adoption process.  We live in Florida and I soon found out that the only children ready for adoption through the state were older or special needs children.   Let me explain that we have nothing against any children, but for our first child, we would like to have as young of a child as we could.  Private adoptions were the next thing I checked into.  Well, that door was shut too.  The private adoptions were very expensive, plus we didn't want to pay for the birth mothers expenses only to have her change her mind after the child was born.  So I then checked into international adoption.  After reading a few of the web sites on international adoption, I knew that is what the Lord wanted us to do.  I went to Jim again and explained what I found out.  He was really interested until he found out how much it cost.  He took a step back and said he really needed to pray about it.

This China Adoption Ring site
is owned by Pam Wilson.

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