Dreams to Reality



Let's imagine!

Imagine that you have your own small business.

1. Come up with a product or service you can provide and sell.
2. How much capital (money) is required to order supplies and equipment to start your business? List these startup costs. (For help, check out Evaluating Start-Up Costs)
3. Estimate your total number of customers.
4. How much will you charge? Why?
5. Report out.

Requirement Fulfilled: 1/2 of Requirement 1
This is Career Exploration activity #4 from the "Math, Maps, and More" IP. If you have already done this activity while earning this IP, select a different Career Exploration activity from either this or another IP.

End of Section 2.

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prepared for
G. S. Wagon Wheel Council, SU 12
by K. Williamson


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