While in Glendale, Jenni worked at Discover
and at After Market Company (AMC) through Valley
Staffing, in Phoenix.
Jenni went to Mr.
Lucky?s after hours activities, Just for the Fun of It (JFF's), both in Phoenix,
and to the Aqua Fria River bottom parties in the company of Diana and Diana's
sister Tina. Jenni's friends said Jenni knew someone with a cabin
outside Phoenix.
Diane graduated high school in Phoenix and worked at Burger
King near Danny's Mini-Mart where the girls were seen waiting for a ride
from the friends they had called. Jenni made what she thought were friends that could be
trusted. But sadly, that doesn't appear to be the case.
Jenni was without transportation
for the first month until her sister took her red Dodge Daytona to her. Did you see Jenni or Diana in Arizona? Did
you know Jenni? Do you know of anyone who did?
It is crucial to learn all we can about Jenni while
she was in Arizona.
Please help solve
this brutal double murder.
Jenni Lueth
Diana Shawcroft