The first steps in deciding to make a Xeriscape garden, after you have determined your hardiness zones,  are to look at the condition of your soil, where the sun falls at various times of day, what spots are in complete shade, direction of prevailing winds.

Select plants for your area and mentally group together which ones have the same water, sun and soil requirements.

Look into water gathering alternatives such as collecting rain water or burying clay pots of water in your garden and drip-style irrigation all of which can reduce water consumption.  It is estimated that in the U.S.A. 50% of domestic and residential water usage is used for the maintenance of gardens.

Investigate all forms of mulch (also called hardscaping) though avoid any materials made of non-renewable resources.  Remember not to use shredded newspaper on consumable plants.  Research worm gardening.  A good worm garden can thrive on the average 8lbs. of organic waste per 2 adults.