My Personal Thoughts On Worship

I'd like to thank you for vising my website and for coming this far! Here is a collection of my thoughts on praise and worship. I pray that they are a blessing to you and that they give you some food for thought. As believers/worshippers we are called to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. So what does that all mean? I have come to realize that it is in the brokeness and the complete passion in our hearts for the Lord is what brings us closer to the knowlege of Him. It's Not in our music, it's not in our singing, and it is not even in our titles because titles soon fade away to nothing. Continue to chase after Him for it is in Him that we live and move and have our being! Be Well.

Click on a title to read. Thank you and enjoy!

Mounting Up On Eagle's Wings
As The Deer Pants
Restoration - First Nations Praising God
A Worshipper's Heart
The Power Of Praise
Having A Thankful Heart
Our Quest For God
The Battle With The Spirit
Coming Soon