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This is a NO frames site. If you have come here through my re-direct URL just close the bottom frame where it tells you. I promise this is the only frame you'll find. I did it to simplify my address. Easier for ME to remember, if not you! LOL
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Pages within updated on February 12, 2000. Want to know What's New ??

Hello....I'd like to extend a heartfelt welcome to
Renee's Retreat and a

Who am I? Well, I am Renee, of course, the webmistress of this site. I'm 29...ack! The big 30 is coming fast. Oh my....
I'm also a single mother of 3 young children (5, 3, 2) and a Chocolate Labrador with lots of stories to tell!  *smile*

Inside you'll find out all about me, what's important to me. Causes I support, what I love and all things I hold close to my heart. You'll see homepages for all of my family. Each of my children's pages will have lots of "kids stuff". There's also lots of pictures, home recipes, games, jokes, trivia, music, parenting tips, greetings and friendship pages to send to all your online pals as well as thousands of digital postcards to choose from. You pick the images and music to create your very own special card to express your feelings. Couldn't be easier!

The most important section of my retreat that I ask you to PLEASE visit are the pages I have done for my cousin who has just recently been diagnosed with an incurable cancer. You'll find the link in the Greetings Gallery or you can

If you have anything you'd like to add that I can post please feel free to e-mail me and send it in! I'll put it up as soon as I can. A poem, a story, a link, a great home recipe, etc. Full credit given to YOU, of course.
My goal is to reach beyond "my site" and make this a united effort from around the world.

There's a Family Forum you can join me in. Give or get some advice...have a problem or a solution or maybe just a story to tell? Come on in!

Being a single mom has been difficult but very rewarding. I'll share some of my triumphs and some of the harder times. To all those single or stay at home parents...I'm sure you can relate to many of the hills I've had to climb. I hope this site can become one of support and inspiration. To let you know you're not alone. Please, don't be shy.

All are welcome! There's just some all around fun pages too so there should be something of interest for everyone here and if you can't find what you want? Let me know, maybe I can help?!

So, click on the gates below to enter........
"My Place of Serenity - Renee's Retreat".
I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and bookmark me to make regular return visits. I update often.

I look forward to hearing from you. All suggestions and input is welcome. I'd like this site to be the best it can be. I'll do my best with your help!   :o)

Please note: Most of the pages within are music enhanced, however I did include the controls to allow you to turn it off if you wish. This is also a FAMILY FRIENDLY site. I have many links for you to surf through when you are done here and I try to go through them all before I post them. However people will add to their own sites all the time and I cannot possibly keep checking. Therefore, at any time should any of my links point directly to some adult material please let me know IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for your help in keeping this site safe for my children and yours.

CLICK HERE to see the latest updates to this site. If you've been here before it's always a good place to start.
If it's your first time visiting 
CLICK HERE or on the gates below to enter the Rooms (index) Page.

Click on the gates to enter...

This site was started on August 10, 1999. It is constantly under construction as new things are added and old ones updated. Please bookmark me and come back often!
Thanks for stopping by! :o)

Copyright 1999-2000 Renee's Retreat. All rights reserved.

This page was last updated on February 12, 2000.

Pages within updated February 12, 2000.
What's New?

The image used to create the title above (My Place of Serenity) was courtesy of
Thomas Kinkade and his wonderful work.

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