The Boy Scouts of America
Trapper Trails Council

Lakeview District
Cub Scout Roundtable
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2003 2004 2005 2006
January Uncle Sam Depends on You Fiesta Its a Scouting Celebration Cubs in the Future
February Science Fair Walk in My Shoes Invention Convention Cubstruction
March Land of the Pharaohs Cubservation Waterways of USA Our Feathered Friends
April Lights, Camera, Action My Home State Pet Pals Digging in the Dirt
May Fun in the Sun Cub Rock Destination Parks Invent a Reason to Celebrate
June Hiking We Will Go Fin Fun Play Ball Red, White and Baloo
July Circle the Wagons Campfire Tales & Traditions Scouting It Out
August Soaring to New Heights Cub Roundup Zoo Adventures
September Once Upon a Time Rescue Heros Cub Scout Ship Builders
October Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock Cub Scout Collectors My Family Tree Cubs in Shining Armour
November A Cub Scout Gives Goodwill Holiday Food Fare Faith, Hope and Charity Cub Scout Stars
December Home Alone Spread the News Music Magic Poles Apart

The contents of these pages may be freely used, copied and distributed as long as the intent is to further the cause of Scouting and no charge is applied. The "Lakeview District Cub Scout Roundtable" webpage is not affiliated with the BSA and does not speak on behalf of the BSA. Opinions expressed on these web pages are those of the web authors. Logos, web badges, and buttons are trademarked to their respective owners.
Akela_tlo Ink - (C) Copyright March 16, 2007