Breastfeeding your infant is finally becoming socially acceptable (or at least tolerated) in most places. Even the mothers who don't breastfeed have surely heard that breastmilk is best! Nursing a toddler, however, is a horse of a different color. It is frowned upon by most, and lots of people are just disgusted by the thought of it! (imagine that?!) Some even think that mothers who nurse their babies beyond infancy are a little "off" if not down-right crazy! People seem to think that once a child can walk and talk, there is no need for "that"....in fact, I believe just the opposite! When your baby is old enough to start exploring the world around her, doesn't it just make sense to allow her to come back to what comforts her most? Nursing is a special bond between you and your child....something you two share. Why break that special bond just when your child needs it the most? As soon as your baby approaches her first birthday, you're sure to get the question "when are you planning to wean?". I sure know that I've had to deal with that with both of my children! I always say, "I don't know, you'll have to ask Caroline that". If they continue, I just say, "I guess I'll have to drop by the kindergarten class every day at lunch so she can nurse!" That usually stops the questions :) Elizabeth nursed until she was over 3, and she is now a happy, well-adjusted almost-7 year old! Your baby WILL eventually wean.....the process was so gradual with Elizabeth that it's hard to recall exactly when she stopped. Just remember that you're NOT alone, and hang in there! They grow up SO fast--enjoy and treasure these special nursing moments with your children now--before they're just memories!