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Mr. Bosker(Australia) who visited us in 1996 with Albert form Holland

Mr. Albert & Mr. Herman visited us from Holland

N. Bosker form Australia - 1996

Albert, Herman from Holland - 1998

Our boys welcoming Kuipers from Australia

Rev. Bert speaking to our boys

Kuipers from Australia - 1998

Rev. Bert speaking to the Boys

Welcoming Bakkers from Australia - 1999

Bakkers having dinner with us (Johanna took this picture) 2001 January

Bakkers from Australia - 1999 Gert having dinner with us - 2001
Rev. Bert visited us with his son Timothy - 1999 Bert and his son Timothy Bert and Ria with Malini
Rev. Bert - 1999 Rev. Bert & his son Timothy - 1999 Kuipers from Australia - 2000
Herman and his wife Boys welcoming Merieke from Holland Merieke playing cricket with our boys. Cricket is very popular game in India
Herman from Holland-1999 Marieke from Holland - 2000 Marieke playing Cricket
Bert Visit - 2001 September Welcoming Bert & Scott

Bert and his son Scott - 2001 September

Scott (Bert's son)
Recent Visit of Gert and his daughter Marijolijn
Sitthers with Gert and Marijolijn Sitthers with Bakkers


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