*~ The stuff that's on every website ~*

Point 1: While I wish it very much, I do not own a pinch of Utena. It belongs to all of the big boy companies.

Point 2: Images in the gallery are free for the taking. However, I do ask that you leave the header buttons alone -- all the pictures in them are in the Gallery.

Point 3: A special thanks to the webmasters of the following sites for various inspirations: Arisugawa's Locket, Blonde Bombshell, Studio Kaoru, Gentlemen, Rose is Rain, and Crimson Kisses.

Point 4: All questions, comments, fanart, donations (=D), or anything else that you can think or should all be directed to However, I'm notorious for being slow answering, so you might have a better chance IMing me on AIM: Yohkosama.

Point 5: Just for the heck of it: La rose bleue corrompue means "the corrupted blue rose." I found this appropriate because I've always thought of Miki as the sweet little boy, and then by the end I was really affected by what Akio did to him... Plus that, I just like corrupting further. Sorry, sweetie.

Point 6: If you'd like to link me (please o please), I'd be glad to link back. But anywhose, here's are a couple little banner thingers for you to pick from; and please link back to
