Starhome is located in Springville, California at an elevation of 2,200 feet. With a population of 1,300 and dry atmosphere, seeing condition is superb.

On the left of the open observing area is a 6" Astro Physics refractor sitting atop a Losmandy mount and a Celestron C14 on a concrete pier. The residence can be seen partly hidden from the trees on the right.

Two old guys with large tummy looking at the sun. John Sanford is the one at the telescope and me on the left waiting impatiently for my turn. The seeing was excellent and two large sunspots showed up very well. It was the best view of sunspots we ever have. The refractor is a 6" AP with Baader solar filter.  John was featured in Sky and Telescope recently and is the author of Observing The Constellations. He can be reach at for questions about Starhome.

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