
Alabama Arkansas

This page is dedicated to that branch of the Womack family which migrated from Georgia to Tallapoosa County, Alabama in the early 1840's.   The origins before 1810 in Georgia are currently unknown (May 2001)  but more than likely the family came to Georgia from either Virginia or the Carolinas or both.  The first ancestor about which some history exists was Joel W. Womack who reported on the 1850, 1860, and 1870 Censuses for Tallapoosa County that he was a native of Georgia.  It appears that he brought his family to Tallapoosa County, perhaps from Stewart County, Georgia although that may not have been his birth place.   His son, William Harrison Womack,  relocated to the Ozark foothills in what was then Independence County, Arkansas in 1877-78.  Three children,  Georgeanna America Womack and her husband, Eli Jasper Foshee, Joel Franklin Womack and his wife, Lucinda Walls, and Susan Carillar Womack and her husband, Henry Clay Walls, moved to Pike County, Arkansas near Kirby in 1881.

The Joel W. Womack Story is chronicled at the link below.  Subsequent links provide biographical essays about William Harrison, Mary Ann, Georgeanna, Mary Darcus, Amanda Evaline, Joel Franklin, and Susan.

Six of his children have yet to be researched and little is known about them.  The table below discloses the names of those children and the current knowledge available.  If you know anything about this family, please help us by emailing  me at the address below.

Help!  We need your help to find more about these descendants of 

Joel W. Womack

Name Birth  Birth Place Spouse and Marr Date Death  Death Place
Martha A. Womack 1839 Georgia      
John S. Womack 1841 Georgia      
Nancy Elizabeth Womack 1843? Alabama William J. Galloway - 1868    
Missouri Francis Womack 1845? Alabama Willoughby H. Carter - 1874    
William Womack 1846 Alabama   bef 1860 Prob. Tallapoosa
Melvina Womack 1849? Alabama      

Latest Featured Womack Story

In 1881, three of Joel W. Womack's children left Alabama for Pike County, Arkansas.  Their decision to go and the hardships encountered in getting there would be story enough but this story is much larger because it is about lifelong relationships.  

Don't miss it!   Click here!

The purposes of this page are to continue the research to find the immigrant ancestor of this branch of the Womack family and to engender an appreciation among the current descendants for the struggles that our ancestors faced.  We invite comments, additions, and corrections to this page and the links associated with it.

Please send email to: fwwabw@bellsouth.net

Click on the links below to read more about the Womack family

 The Joel W. Womack Story
About 1810 - After 1870
Married(1): Before 1839
Sarah (Last Name Unknown)
About 1820 - After 1870
Married(2): August 1, 1876
Emily Childers

Joel W. Womack is the oldest known ancestor of this branch.  He was born about 1810 in Georgia and probably lived there until he was about 30 years of age.  He then acquired land in Tallapoosa County, Alabama and lived there for at least another 30 years and, indeed, may have died in the county although no death date nor place has been determined.  Tallapoosa County Marriage Records show that Joel W. Womack married Emily Childers August 1, 1876.  For a variety of reasons, it seems probable that the record pertains to our Joel W. Womack.

The following links contain biographical essays of some of the children of Joel W. Womack

The William Harrison Womack Story
March 1, 1840 - August 4, 1905
Married:  November 13, 1860
Harriett Euline Smith
July 4, 1840 - December 24, 1916

The page displayed at the above link describes the life and times of William Harrison Womack and his wife, Harriett Euline Smith Womack.  It contains a brief narrative of their early years, their struggles following the Civil War, and the relocation to Arkansas in 1877-78.  Descendants and spouses are listed along with numerous links to other pages with items of particular interest to the descendants of William and Harriett.  William died in 1905 and was buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, near Concord, in Cleburne County, Arkansas.  Harriett died in 1916 and was buried at Republican in Faulkner County, Arkansas.

The Mary Ann Womack Story
About 1842 - after 1860
Married:  December 18, 1860
Lemuel P. Smith
About 1841 - after 1860

The Mary Ann Womack Story is one of the most intriguing of all the stories about the Womack children.  The marriage to Lemuel Smith is an interesting story within itself and the page goes into considerable depth to establish the story in the face of numerous erroneous records and indexes.  Don't miss this one!

The Mary Darcus (Dorcus) Womack Story
September 4, 1846 - June 26, 1913
Married: March 3, 1868
Drewry Morgan Ethan Brewer
December 3, 1846 - October 10, 1920

Mary Darcus (Dorcus) Womack saw the Alabama she loved engulfed in the flames of Civil War when she was a teenager.  Along with her family and countless other families similarly situated, they endured the devastation and destruction that war brought.  But she didn't let despair keep her from the things that make life not only bearable but useful.  Her marriage to Drewry Morgan Ethan Brewer just a short time after the Civil War ended and in the middle of Reconstruction is a living tribute to the indomitable spirit of people - especially women who, in the middle of the worst of times,  always seem to know what is expected of them.  She lived her entire life in Tallapoosa County, Alabama and died leaving the country better for her having been a part of it.

The Georgeanna America Womack Story
August 2, 1852 - After 1910
Married: December 14, 1871
Eli Jasper Foshee
February 28, 1850 - April 3, 1917

The Georgeanna America Womack story is a fascinating account of a young  southern woman caught in the Civil War struggle and its aftermath.  Born in the mid 1850's, she was typical of the women who saved the South and perhaps the country following the devastation and despair of the Civil War.  She as a  nine year old child when the Civil War broke out, endured the terror and hardships brought on by it, married Eli Jasper "Bud" Foshee in 1871 in Tallapoosa County, Alabama.  Four children were born during the next 10 years.  In about 1881, she and her husband, several of his siblings and two of her siblings,  relocated to Pike County, Arkansas where they spent their remaining days.  Georgeanna and Eli were parents to four children, all of them born in Alabama.

The Amanda Evaline Womack Story
November 26, 1854 - November 2, 1919
Married: December 16, 1873
George E. McKelvey
1852 - 1934

Amanda Evaline Womack, the 11th child of Joel W. Womack and his wife, Sarah, probably grew into adulthood in the house where she was born.  She married George E. McKelvey in 1873 and they lived the remainder of their lives in Tallapoosa County.  She gave birth to nine children but at least five did not survive to adulthood.  She died at the age of 64 and was buried in Dillard's Cemetery near Hackneyville, Alabama.

The Joel Franklin Womack Story
November 1859 - 1928
Married: December 19, 1878
Lucinda Walls
December 1857 - 1961

Joel Franklin Womack,  the 12th child and youngest son of Joel W. Womack and his wife, Sarah,  was born in 1859 just two years before the Civil War began and he was only a six year old when the War was over.  But that War had a great influence on his life just as it influenced the other members of his family and hundreds of thousands of his countrymen whose lives were forever altered by the circumstances of the War and its aftermath.  He married Lucinda Walls in Alabama and fathered a son, Henry M. "Tobe" Womack, before moving with his sisters and their husbands to start a new life in Pike County, Arkansas.  He and his wife, Lucinda, had seven children, four of whom grew to adulthood.  After 1910, he moved to Clark County, Arkansas where he died in 1928 at the age of 69.  He was buried in the Jones Cemetery in Clark County.  Lucinda lived 33 years after his death and she was laid to rest beside him in 1961.

The Susan Carillar Womack Story
January 6, 1862 - August 3, 1918
Married: December 19, 1878
Henry Clay Walls
February 14, 1858 - June 4, 1942

Susan Carillar Womack,  the youngest of the 13 children of Joel W. and Sarah Womack,  was born January 6, 1862, a few months after the Civil War had begun with the firing on Fort Sumter in April 1861.  Her knowledge of the conflict would have been through the eyes of a child but she undoubtedly instinctively understood that bizarre and wrenching events were taking place. She grew to adulthood in Tallapoosa County and there she married Henry Clay Walls in 1878 at the ripe old age of 16.  Three years after the marriage, she and her husband joined with her sister, Georgeanna, her brother, Joel Franklin, and several other families to make the move some 600 miles westward to Pike County, Arkansas.  They lived in Pike County for more than 20 years before relocating to McIntosh County, Oklahoma.  Susan lived in McIntosh County until her death in 1918 at the age of 56.  Henry lived 24 additional years and died at the age of 84.  Both are buried in the Hitchita Lackey Cemetery, Hitchita.

The Womack database can be searched by clicking on:  WOMACK

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