Ladies Announcements

Here are the ladies annoucements you need to read..............
New Ladies Bible Study
Sunday's at 4:30pm is our Ladies Bible study. We just started a new study in the book of James! All ladies of the church are invited to attend. If you have any questions, please see Miss Lori.
Potluck dinners
The Ladies Potluck dinner will be held on a quarterly basis beginning in 2001. They will be held on the second Thursday of the months of March, June, September and December. Thank you to all the precious ladies who have made these get togethers so special!
New Wednesday Ladies Night!
The ladies of the church will begin meeting for Wednesday Ladies Nights at 7:00 pm, starting on Nov. 20th. While the men have their work-n-worship, we will have a devotion given by one of our ladies. Please bring finger foods 7 a drink and enjoy a night of fellowship.
Thank you Ladies!
Have we mentioned lately that we have the most wonderful, talented and hard working women in the universe here at Eagle's View?? Well, we do!! Thanks to all of you who worked so hard to make the sanctuary so beautiful for Christmas and who work throughout the year behind the scenes in so many ways. May God poor out blessings upon you!

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