
"Good Morning Moonshine"
She Sprinkled Kindness


We will meet again, you and I, at my own journey's end,
You will appear to me suddenly, from the top of Mount High,
Running to me waving your hand and calling my name.
I will hold you in my arms again, only this time it will be for all eternity.
Until then... Rest Peacefully My Love...


Above Prose
by Mr. H. Lee

"Claire de Lune"

In March of 1998, Arline and I would have been married forty two years. Having met her close to seven years prior to the marriage, I had known and had the companionship of this wonderful woman almost fifty years. In July of 1996, I nearly lost her to a previous heart attack, but with the prayers of many who knew her as well as my own, I was granted a gift, a very special gift, of a little more time with my loved one. Although all our years together were marvelous, the last year was perhaps one of our happiest. You tend to appreciate something so much more after having come so close to losing it.

Knowing that her heart could give out without warning at anytime, there were times in that last year I had asked myself what I might say should this dreaded day arrive. I wondered how I might describe my Arline ...What could I say? After reflecting on this I thought ...How appropriate it would be to simply call her "The Gardener". I'm sure many of those closest to her would think that strange. The reason being that although Arline loved plants and flowers she had little luck with them and the kids and I often teased her about having a "black thumb" instead of a "green thumb".

A Rare Success

Christmas Cactus

A Christmas cactus that finally bloomed after I don't know how many years... She was thrilled

Nevertheless she was a gardener... Oh!... was she a gardener. A gardener of PEOPLE ... not plants, especially those closest to her. In place of sunshine ... she gave love. In place of water ... she sprinkled kindness and for nourishment she spread patience and understanding. She started her garden the day we were wed. On the perimeter were relatives and friends whom she tended to with great care, for over the years I found, that most who met her... liked her, and all who came to know her... loved her. But the centerpiece of this garden was to be a most fortunate man... Myself. She placed me in the center of her garden and made me the focus. She toiled tenderly and made me come alive in ways I didn't know were possible. And once I was firmly rooted she took my seed and brought forth two sons planting them close to me. Not too close, so as there would be enough room to see that each of us got the same amount of her loving care. I watched these two boys grow strong and sturdy under that care until they were men as tall as I.

"... men as tall as I"

Craig Our Sons Glen

And when my sons matured and married two lovely young women, Arline simply prepared the ground and transplanted these two women next to my sons, in her garden, as if they were her very own daughters. She did all she could to cultivate harmony and happiness in each of their relationships. What a wondrous garden it had become. But her job was not done. Within the recent past new buds had come forth in the garden, in the form of two grandchildren. Even her poor health at the time could not dim the sparkle in her eyes, the smile upon her face, as she watched them begin to sprout. She had so much wisdom and experience that she wanted to share in the nurturing of these two granddaughters, anticipating their growth and so looking forward to their blossoming.

"... new buds had come forth"

Kaitlin Kate        Jess Jessica

Unfortunately, such was not to be, and having said farewell to the earthly body of My Lady, I like to think that somewhere, somehow, she is and will be watching over her garden, tending to it from afar. As for myself, my heart is broken with her leaving, but I am Thankful ... Ever so Thankful ... for all those years in my Arline's ... "Garden of Eden"

Thank you my "Sweet Sweet Gardener"! Thank you!

A Most Fortunate Man

My Lady and Her "Garden" centerpiece


Silent rooms ... A lonely bed ... An empty chair at the table ... An ache that will not ebb,
I loved you so ... I miss you so ... Sleep well "My Lady" sleep well


Rose Sleep Well ... My Lady Rose
Arline Jean Matheson (Nee Blon)
March 11,1936 - January 30,1998

Garden Gate Entrance New Blessing-Grandchild

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