A Persian should be combed everyday starting at or around 4 weeks old. Begin with a
coarse-toothed steel comb first to loosen the larger snarels and tangles. Then use a fine toothed
comb to remove the snarls and loose hair. Remember to comb the intire cat. If the mats are to
close to the skin and you can not comb them out do not attemp to cut them. Take the cat to your
vet and and let him remove them. Sometimes if they are to close the vet will use an anaesthetize on
the animal and shave it.


Even though your cat will groom it self it may be necessary to give your cat a bath at sometime.
Some cats will try anything to avoid a wet bath. A dry bath can be effective for removal of many
types of grease and oily dirt. Dry shampoos are commercially available at pet stores and vet
offices. When using these products follow instuctions each one varies. When working around the
cats head, protect it,s face with your hand to prevent the powder from getting into the cats
eyes,nose and throat.

If it becomes necessary to give your cat a wet bath you may need some help. Cats are easily
chilled,so it is important to test the bath water to be sure that it is comfortably warm,it should be as
close to 75% fahrenheit. If room temperature is warmer then you may increase the temperature
slightly. Be sure to cover the bottom of the sink,tub or wash basin with a fabric a towel should do
fine, it provides tractionfor the cat. Makes it easier for you to handle. Be sure when placing the cat
in it's bath you support the weight of the cat the bulk of the should be on your hand and forearm. If
the cat will not relax you should the cat firmly and securely, high on the scruff of the neck and keep
itsback to you. Pourwateron the cat wetting its body. You should put petrolem jelly around the
eyes to help keep shampoo from getting to them.Pourthe shampooon and work gently into the fur
and lather. Only use shampoos that are for cats other shampoos can cause skin problems. Rinse
the cat thoroughly to remove all shampoo. Place the cat in a towel and pat dry as possible,rubbing
will cause the hair to mat. You can use a hand held blow dryerto totally dry the cat. Use a comb to
lift and separate the hair while drying with a dryer. This will create a smooth,flowing well groomed
cat. Becarefull not to burn the cat while drying it is crull and it hurts.


The ears should be checked regulary. If you see any discharge from the ears you should contact
your vet. To clean the ears carefully with a cotton swab moistened with lukewarm water. Never
dig in the ear or go into the ear stay on the external ear. You can use mineral oil to help keep the
ears clean. After claning ears lightly rub on the external ear.


You should be shown by a groomer or your vet how to do this. If you cut in the pink part of the
nail the cat will bleed and an infection will occur.


Cleaning around the eyes of your cat is important. Make sure there is no abnormal discharge.
Some persians have eyes that run, causing staing on the fur. You can wipe around the eyes with a
soft tissue. If around the eyes become stained you can purchase a stain remove from your vet or
local pet store make sure it is a product made just for CATS. 


Even cats that are feed well and have a nutritionally balanced diet develop tarter and develop
gingivitis(inflamation of the gums). So you should your cats mouth regulary. Some signs are
troubling chewing food. Shaking head while chewing. Pulling head head from you while you are
petting the face.

When grooming your Persian feel for any lumps or for any abnormal sores on the skin. Make sure
that the hair is not combing out in clumps. Check for fleas and ticks. This is a good time to examine
your cat as well as bonding with it. 
HimalayanHistory of the himalayan. How it came to be and why.

Frequently asked questions

Feline disease Diseases that every cat owner should kmow about.

NutritionFeeding your feline friend. Commercial dry or wet?

GroomingBathing and combing your cat does not need to be a chore.

BreedingBreeding your cat,behavior male and female.

BirthingAfter breeding your female, what you should do.

Breeding Chart Print this chart and you will never have to count again.

ColorsBreed standards along with every coat color possible.

BI-COLOR CHARTBi-Color chart for breeding.

Solid chartChart for breeding persian solids to solids.

Himalayan ChartColor chart for breeding Himalayans as well as Siamese.

Picture Page

Animal Links

Show Schedule CFA Show calender for September - November.
Coming soon: Pictures of all the babies. Himalayan Breeding Chart