Where to begin? Here you will find some of my favorite friends, along with some of their homepages. Some are old, some are new, but all are good. Please visit them and...don't forget to sign their guestbooks!
Michael: What can I say? A great person and a wonderful friend.

April: A great gal and really funny. How she has time to have a great homepage, have a family AND go to school is truly beyond me!

Judca: A great person. She was one of the first to help me when I was learning to build a homepage.

Julie: A very nice and funny person. I'll be forever grateful to her for encouraging me to take the "plunge" to start working full-time at home.

Wendy: A fellow MT and good friend. She recently became a new mom for the second time in 1997! Adorable kids!

Melanie: Another fellow MT (and sister to Wendy), who also became a new mom in 1997 for the first time. Good e-mail buddies, we are!

Dorothy: Also, yet another fellow MT and good friend. Even though we're scattered across the country, we have time to email and compare MT notes. One can never have enough contacts "just in case"!

Wolfgang: My Austrian friend! A very nice guy whose stories never bore me.

Jeff: Yes, another Jeff, but this one is special because he keeps me up to date on things I need to know!

Dawne: A new e-mail buddy. She has also become a new co-worker with The MRC Group! She hails from North Carolina.

This is the newest addition to my homepage. Please check back for more friends soon!
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