
Donald M. Ricks, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, 2006

The author, traveling in a beautiful section of Colorado.


bullet—To provide a gathering/meeting place for researchers interested in obtaining, compiling, and documenting the history and genealogy of the Ricks family.

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New Joel Ricks Family Book

Joel Ricks Book, 2007

Carma Muir LeCheminant, compiler, Joel Ricks (1804-1888) & His Family (Six Generations plus Ancestry) (Provo, Utah; Brigham Young UniversityPrint & Mail Production Center, 2007).

Carma, a second great granddaughter of Joel Ricks, has now completed her work on a book of all the descendants of Joel Ricks, born February 18, 1804 in Christian County (now Trigg County), Kentucky, the son of Jonathan Ricks and Temperance Edwards. He had two wives: Eleanor Martin and Sarah Beriah Fiske Allen.

A corrected and expanded version of the 1957 History and Genealogy of the Ricks Family of America has now been published (2007). The new version is entitled Joel Ricks (1804-1888) and His Family. The two-volume, hard bound books are 8 l/2 x 11, containing a total of about 1800 pages. The new version concentrates mainly on the Joel Ricks (1804-1888) family, his descendants down six generations, and an ancestry section. The only section that would be of much value to other Ricks families in America would be the ancestry and appendix sections (approx 100 pages). These two sections document a "corrected" lineage back to Isaac Ricks (1638-1723), as well as corrected false information. The set sells for $44.50 plus $10 for shipping. If interested, a check may be made out to Joel Ricks Family Books and sent to Carma LeCheminant, 1895 N 285 E, Orem, U T 84057.

Carma's email address is: KenAndCarma@comcast.net.