budgie T h e B i r d c a g e

Health and Nutrition

Are you concerned about your bird's health? How about their diet? There are many resources available to you on the internet--so start looking so you can make an informed decision on ways to keep your feathered friends happy and healthy.

[bird] Health Nutrition Food Manufacturers


All birds should be seen yearly by a qualified avian veterinarian. Even the most experienced bird owners may not be able to detect illness in a pet bird until it is too late. The information and links provided here are meant to supplement (not replace) your relationship with your vet.

Poisonous Plants (The Birdcage)
Toxic, Harmful, and Safe Plants and Foods (Monica Sudds/Beakers)
Complete Blood Chemistry (Scott McDonald, DVM/Beakers)
Basic Bird Care Collection of articles at Bittacus, also home of the Pet Bird Health FAQ.
Avian First Aid Kit (Sybil Erden, Carol Highfill/Winged Wisdom)
Manual of Parrot Diseases (Al E. Decateau, DVM/Up At Six)
Psittacosis FAQ
Tips From the Vet (HARI)
Poisoning Risks (Bittacus)
PBFD Home Page (Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease)

Food Manufacturers

If you are still feeding your bird a seed only diet--you need to reconsider. All seed diets are generally deficient in several vitamins and minerals (Notably vitamin A and Calcium). Look into converting your bird to a more healthy diet--including not only pellets or extruded food but ample fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as cooked foods such as rice, corn, and beans, and seed in small amounts. The listing I have included here is by no means complete, but each of the manufacturers listed here produces a high quality food and each have invested much time and money researching their formulas.

Scenic Bird Food

Marion Zoological, Inc
13700 Water Tower Circle
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: 1-800-327-7974

Harrisons Bird Diets

7171 Mercy Rd. Ste 135
Omaha, NE 68106
Technical Service: 402-397-9442 Fax: 402-397-9454
Phone: 1-800-346-0269


3225 Sartelon Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H4RIE8
Phone: 1-800-225-2700


P.O. Box 230
Chilton, WI 53014
Phone: 1-800-KAYTEE-1

Lafeber Company

24981 N. 1400 East Road
Cornell, IL 61319

Roudybush Diets

Box 908
Templeton, CA 93465
Phone: 1-800-326-1726

Crazy Corn

7621 Fulton Ave. N. Hollywood, CA 91605
Phone: 1-818-503-4YUM
Fax: 1-818-765-4895

Beak Appetit

Pet Concepts
101 Rincon Loop, Tijeras, New Mexico 87059
Phone: 1-800-467-4677

Nutrition Resources

There are many articles on avian nutrition available on the web. This is only a sample of what is out there, and they are wonderful resources for doing research on changing your bird's diet. However, you should check with your avian vet before implementing any drastic changes in diet.

Alternative Recipes Alisa Momsen (The Birdcage)
Ethoxyquin Alisa Momsen (The Birdcage)
Nutrition: Foundation for a Healthy Bird Susan Schwab, D.V.M. (HotSpot for Birds)
Roudybush Information (Impeckable Aviaries)
Calcium: Needs and Dangers (Impeckable Aviaries)
Nutritional Psittacine Diet (fresh food) Bruce & Alicia McWatters (Up at Six)
Sprouts: Nutritious and Easy to Grow Bobbi Brinker (Birds r Us/Winged Wisdom) 

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