Period DateEventScripture Reference

From Adam to the
4004 Man Created Gen. 1, 2
4002 Birth of Cain Gen. 4:1
4001 Birth of Abel Gen. 4:2
3875 Death of Abel Gen. 4:8
3874 Birth of Seth Gen. 5:3
3382 Birth of Enoch Gen. 5:18
3317 Birth of Methuselah Gen. 5:21
3074 Death of Adam Gen. 5:5
3017 Enoch translated Gen. 5:24
2948 Birth of Noah Gen. 5:28, 29
2348 Death of Methuselah Gen. 5:27


From the
Deluge to the
Call of Abraham
2348 Noah enters the ark Gen. 7:6, 7
2347 Noah goes forth from the ark Gen. 8:18
2234 Building the tower of Babel Gen. 11:1-9
1998 Death of Noah Gen. 9:29
1996 Birth of Abraham Gen 11:26


From the call
of Abraham
to the
1936 Removal of Abraham from Ur to Haran Gen. 11:31
1921 Abraham called to Canaan Gen. 12:1-5
1913 Abraham's rescue of Lot Gen. 14:1-24
1910 Birth of Ishmael Gen. 16
1897 Renewal of God's Covenant with Abraham Gen. 17, 18
1897 Destruction of Sodom Gen. 18, 19
1896 Birth of Isaac Gen. 21:1-5
1871 Abraham's faith tested Gen. 22:1-19
1859 Death of Sarah Gen. 23:1, 2
1856 Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah Gen. 24
1836 Birth of Jacob and Esau Gen. 25:24-26
1821 Death of Abraham Gen. 25:7, 8
1760 Jacob's flight to Padan-aram Gen. 28-30
1746 Birth of Joseph Gen. 30:22-24
1729 Joseph sold into Egypt Gen. 37
1716 Joseph honored in Egypt Gen. 41
1706 Jacob's removal to Egypt Gen. 43-47
1689 Jacob's death Gen. 49
1636 Joseph's death Gen. 50:26
1574 Birth of Aaron Exodus 6:20
1571 Birth of Moses Exodus 2:1-10
1531 Moses' flight to Midian Exodus 2:11-22
1491 Moses commissioned to deliver Israel Exodus 3, 4


From the Exodus
to the Division
of the
1491 Crossing the Red Sea Exodus 14, 15
1491 Giving the law a Sinai Exodus 19-40
1452 Death of Aaron Numbers 20:27-29
1451 Death of Moses Deut. 34
1451 Joshua, Moses' successor Deut. 34:9
1451 Crossing the Jordan Joshua 1-4
1443 Death of Joshua Joshua 24
1155 Birth of Samuel 1 Sam 1:20
1095 Saul anointed king of Israel 1 Sam 10, 11
1055 Death of Saul 1 Sam 31
1055 David made king of Judah 2 Sam 2:4
1048 David made king of all Israel 2 Sam 5:1-5
1033 Solomon's birth 2 Sam 12:24
1015 Solomon made king 1 Kings 1
975 Revolt of the ten tribes 1 Kings 12
Period DateKings of JudahKings of Israel

From the Division of the Kingdom
to the captivity of Judah
975 Rehoboam Jeroboam
958 Abijah, or Abijam
955 Asa
954 Nadab
953 Baasha
930 Elah
929 Zimri
929 Omri
918 Ahab
914 Jehoshaphat
897 Ahaziah
896 Joram, or Jehoram
892 Joram, or Jehoram
885 Ahaziah
884 Athaliah Jehu
878 Joash, or Jehoash
856 Jehoahaz
839 Jehoash
839 Amaziah
825 Jeroboam II
810 Uzziah, or Azariah
784 Interregnum
773 Zachariah
772 Shallum
772 Menahem
761 Pekahiah
759 Pekah
758 Jotham
742 Ahaz
730 Hoshea
726 Hezekiah
721 Captivity of Israel
697 Manasseh
642 Amon
640 Josiah
609 Jehoahaz
609 Jehoiakim
598 Jehoiachin
598 Zedekiah
587 Captivity of Judah
Period DateEventScripture Reference

From the Captivity
of Judah to End
of Old Testament
587 Destruction of Jerusalem 2 Kings 25:8, 9
538 Capture of Babylon by Cyrus Daniel 5:3l
536 Cyrus permits Jews to return Ezra l:1-4
536 Return under Zerubbabel Ezra 2:1-2
534 Foundation of second temple laid Ezra 3:8-13
521 Building of temple stopped Ezra 4:24
520 Building of temple resumed Ezra 6:14
520 Appeals of Haggai and Zechariah Ezra 6:14
515 Second temple dedicated Ezra 6:16-22
478 Esther made queen by Xerxes Esther 2:17
473 Haman's plot fails Esther 7:10
458 Ezra given a commission Ezra 7:11-26
445 Nehemiah governor of Jerusalem Neh. 2
432 Second visit of Nehemiah to Jerusalem Neh. 13:4-7

From the close
of Old Testament
History to the
Birth of Christ
335 Alexander the Great becomes monarch of the East
320 Ptolemy Lagus surprises Jerusalem
277 Septuagint Verson of the scriptures ordered
170 Antiochus Epiphanes, the Syrian, captures Jerusalem
166 Jews revolt and Judas Maccabaeus becomes
governor of Jerusalem
63 Jerusalem becomes a Roman province
40 Herod made king
28 Augustus Caesar becomes emperor of Rome
18 Herod's temple begun
4 Birth of Christ
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