William T. Vaughan was born in 1705. William died in 1785, at the age of 80, and was buried at Mecklenburg Co., Virginia. He married Julia Green. He also married Mildredge Smith Gregory. William T. had 10 children, the first 7 possibly by Julia, only 3 with Mildredge:
1. Millicent Vaughan, born 27 May 1733
2. Nancy Ann Vaughan, born 7 January 1735, died 21 October 1821
3. Samuel Vaughan, born about 1735, died in December 1797
4. John Vaughan, born about 1740
5. Sarah ("Sally") Vaughan, born 1758
6. James Vaughan
7. Peter Vaughan
These three children were probably William T. and Mildredge's:
8. Milly Vaughan, born June 1761, twins
9. Molly Vaughan, born June 1761, died 1855, twins
10. Elizabeth Vaughan, born 1764
Mildredge had at least the following children from a marriage to __________ Gregory:
1. Ambrose Gregory, born in 1754
2. Joseph Gregory
Mildredge's Will can be found in Book #3, Pages 79-80. She mentions 6 children in her Will.
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