The following people are also interested in Bolch genealogy. This is not a comprehensive list. If you would like to be listed, or know of someone who should be listed, write to Melanie. Be sure to include your web page address, if you have one, and a brief description of your line of descent or research questions to be included here.
Name | Comments |
Melanie Coyl 8 Citadel Drive Camp Hill, PA 17011 | I descend through Johan Casper Bolick & Maria Magdalena Deal and through Sebastian Bolch & Hanna Margaret Heffner. |
James W. Green III Route 5, Box 720 Winnsboro SC 29180 (803) 635-9236 | |
Jim Winfrey | |
Cynthia Bolick Gilbert | My lines are through: Sebastian (my father's side) and Casper (my mother's side). |
Janet Cowan | |
Thomas J. Bolch or | Thomas is a descendant of Logan Bolch. |
Adrian Bolch | Adrian is also a descendant of Logan Bolch. |
Jack Paul Jack's eMail | Jack is a descendant of Michael Bolich Jr., son of Michael Balch. Michael Balch was the son of Andreas Balch who came to America on the Neptune with Johan Adam. You can visit The Paul Family History at |
Jim Madden | Jim is a descendant of Susanna Bock, daughter of Susanna Margretha Balch and Balthaser Bock. Susanna Balch was the daughter of Andreas Balch. |
Pat Smith Uffenorde | Pat is also a descendant of Andreas Balch through his grandson, Michael Bolich Jr. |
Randy L. Buck | Like Jim Madden, Randy is a descendant of Susanna Bock, daughter of Susanna Margretha Balch and Balthaser Bock. Susanna Balch was the daughter of Andreas Balch. |
Alex and Jane Woschenko | Jane descends through Johan Adam's grandson, John Bolick (1788-1870) and through Johan Capser's daughter Elizabeth Bolick (1785-1864) who married Phillip Heffner (1768-1858). They have lots of information on the Kanupp, Settlemyre, Hefner, Whitener, Miller, and Helderman families as well. |
JoAnne Gullett 1421 Muir Drive Gardnerville, NV | My Grandmother was Jessie May Bolick born Roxbury, Kansas in 1891, daughter of Wesley Bolick born in Burlington, Iowa in 1854. Son of Amos Bolick and Margaret Berg. Amos I believe is related to David Bolick and Rachel Simmons. |
Tom Boulch 2551 Christopher Oaks Court St. Louis, MO 63129-5544 314-846-6178 | Tom's grandfather changed the family name from Bolich or Bolick to Boulch. |
Annette James | I would interested to hear from anyone with Balch connections either in Middlesex/London or Ireland. Sorry I do not as yet have a web Site but you can email me. Annette |
Sally Williams Black | Hi my ancestors Charles Edward and Charlotte Johnson Terres were the parents of Catherine Bush Terres Ikerd-I have list of births-some marriages and dates-of her siblings and the Terres grandparents if you are interested. I do have a bio though small on Charles Edward Terres-he worked for the US Mint in Philadelphia before becoming head of the Charlotte NC Mint. I have dates-if any of your family are interested. |
Jennifer Heck | I have been researching the Yount's in North Carolina and found Ephraim married to Catherine Miller. I already knew this but I did not know there childrens names! Ephriam is the brother of my great-grandfather (4th great). I like to branch off of my direct line. If I might have anything you need please email me. |
Wanda | I'm trying to find information on the Balach name, I know they came from the Austrian Empire, Brunn, and Wencel was married to Mathilda Mechtel, daughter of John Mechtel, they lived in Funfkiechen, Austrian. Can you help? |
Ginnie Fleming 5519 Callander Drive Springfield, Virginia 22151 703-425-6112 | I am a descendent of Johan Adam Bolch, Johan Casper Bolick, Mary "Polly" Bolick who married Andrew Holler, SR. Mary "Polly" was born c. 1780-88 in Lincoln Co, NC. and died after 1860. I am seeking more definitive information on her birth, death and life. |
Julie Perry Tucson, AZ | My husband is descended from Johann Adam Bolch & Anna Christina ?, Jacob M. & Maria S. (Grimes), John & Christina (Bolick) Miller, John W. & Mary (Warren) Miller, Henry W. & Rachel (Weaver) Miller, Harrison E. & Katherine E. (Miller) Bales. |
Bernadette Spillane | I am descended from Johan Adam Bolch through his son, Godfrey & Catharine Treffenstedt; Daniel Bolch Sr. & Elizabeth Charmin; Daniel Bolick Jr. & Jane Weir Stevenson; Martha Kathryn Bolick & Henry Socrates Sigman; then my grandmother Mary Ellen Sigman. Have information on all these lines. |
Rominy Jurgens | I have found that I am related to Fidelia Anne Balch born in Virgil NY in 1825 and whose father is a John Balch who I have no other data on. Fidelias mother was Almira Stowell who was married to John. I have gone back farther with the Stowells but not with the Balch family line. I am trying to find out if they had relatives in Germany or ? Any help would be appreciated. |
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