Currently a portion of the population is “carded” to ensure
that they can legally drink. Under this proposal everyone
would be “carded”.
A restricted license would be marked and easily identifiable to
the server at a glance.
At the bar you’d lay your drivers license on the table/bar to
enable the server to verify that they can legally serve you.
(Or another DMV issued card in lieu of a driver's license.)
With everyone showing their ID's, fewer minors will be served.
Out-of-state tourists or visitors would continue to be served
as always. They are not a part of the larger problem.
Enforcement comes when a person with a “restricted” license is
observed driving erratically .. and stopped for another DUI
offense. The “source” of the alcohol would now be a matter of
legal concern.
The DUI offender is still faced with the
same consequences of an additional DUI conviction. (i.e. jail
time, fines, and longer restrictions).
Fewer should reach this point...because it now requires a
"sober decision"
to break the law
AND an accomplice
willing to supply the offender with a
controlled substance.
Everything needed to legislate and enforce this is already in
place and being done under other laws
.. i.e. for revoking
licenses and restricting alcohol to minors.
There is no need
for more police. No need for more jails. Instead of costing
money, this proposal would save the state “tons” of money
projecting that fewer will reach the felony status .. saving
the state the associated litigation and incarceration costs.
Then we can be STRICT with enforcing the repeat DUI
convictions! Currently, everyone is frustrated when a fourth
DUI felony conviction cannot be enforced due to not having
enough prisons to house the number of DUI offenders.
And DUI arrests should not be easily downgraded. A person drives drunk an average of 1,000 times drunk for each time arrested. Early intervention is critical. After three DUI convictions, the chances of rehabilitation may be much smaller than one might think. DUI offenders are a danger to themselves and others and the law should not
be lenient.
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