Celebrating the Homemaker!

In today's society, women are often discouraged from staying home with their kids, managing the home. While I see NOTHING wrong with a woman working at an outside job if she desires, I feel that not enough recognition and support is offered those women who commit to homemaking. That is what this page is all about!

As a homemaker myself, I have a lot to say about the subject, which I won't get into right now! I will say that I know how it feels to have your husband wonder what it is you DO all day (how dare he ask!). I know that by six in the evening you've had enough baby talk and are yearning for some adult conversation. I know that you're concerned about the finances, healthy eating and weight, getting out once in a while, and a zillion other issues!

I hope to provide a little cozy spot for us, ladies, where we can tap resources on the net, through various links you will eventually find here. Maybe we can even share some stories about what real life is for us. I plan to enjoy this site, and I hope you will too. If you have a site you think fits the topics, please let me know about it, and I'll check it out to see if it belongs here!

* Baking soda on a damp cloth will remove grime and grease from the glass on your oven door.

Before you go, please check out these fun, helpful sites!

Adorable Affordables: Online Children's Consignment Store

Better Homes and Gardens Online

First Time Gardener

Hearts At Home


The Household Cyclopedia

How to Be an Effective Domestic Engineer

Miserly Moms

One Income Living in a Two Income World

Rebecca's Garden

Start Sampling

Stay at Home Moms Web Site

Stay-at-Home Parents

A Storybook Kids' Room

The Unofficial Homemaker's Web Ring

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"Under Pressure"

-- Queen


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