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We have been together for 30 years now

and raised three great children who are now grown

and one is married and has children,

one is on his own, and our youngest just graduated from High School.

We have spent all these years raising these children.

Spending all our time for them, and we have always looked

forward to the time that we could be together,

and do the things we couldn’t do before.

We never had a honeymoon

when we were married, we have never once been

on vacation away from the children.

So as the years grow longer

and time seems to slip by opportunity

just doesn’t knock quite as often.

Well a couple of months ago, the door opened and opportunity knocked,

and I took a chance doing what I like best, Computers and Security.

That is when we decided that this is the time to do it.

This will give us the opportunity to be together by ourselves.

I am giving up my job of 19 years with a

large company here in Maine just to pursue our dream.

People say why are you doing this and the plain and simple truth is,

if we don’t do it now, there may not be time later to do this.

In today’s society money seems to be always the object,

and in this case it is the same, but The Good Lord willing,

we will find that way somehow and we hope that

in the very near future we can come back

and say "Our Dream" has been fulfilled.

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