G R A M M A and G R A M P A ' S
F A M I L Y . T R E E H O U S E

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The kids are in the process of moving so there is no link yet. -
Geneology Ontario The Geneology Club Publications on Geneology Lists, Lists, and more lists at Liszt
Telephone numbers anywhere in the world Cyndi Howell's List showing "how to bark up the right tree" What the family needs to know about drugs The Labor or Love The American Immigrant Wall of Honor
The Parents Place Moms on-line Marriage Survival Guide Life Transitions Hellich Heirlooms
The Parent Place Ancestry Home Town Family Tree Maker Cindi's List of Geneology Pages Ancestry Maps
Helping children who survived the Holocaust find their families Family Search. Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room. Grampa's building a new room.

The Teacher asks: "Where is My guest room...?'" Mark 14:14 The Teacher was Jesus, Christ is still asking the same question: Where is My room? And in the home of ourlife, we answer Him. Your room is the foyer, where all who enter will know You are present in this home. Your room is the kitchen, for You are our provision and our source of strength. Your room is the family room, where You are the center of our family, our fellowship, our friendships and our entertainment. Your room is the bedroom, where we rest, secure in the knowledge of your protection. Your room is the study, for all knowledge begins and ends in You. Your room is the tool closet, for all my works of service are in vain, if they do not start with You. Your room is even the deck out back, where You can watch Your sunset over Your creation and remind us each day that all You have created is indeed very good. We give Him our whole house. Contributed by Ellis Bush (All Rights Reserved) mailto:74357.246@compuserve.com

Gramma and Grampa's House was last cleaned May 15, 1998

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Constructed by Gramma with assistance from Raptor Fan, Yee Ha and Jim at Silicon Valley North.