Child # 1

Jennifer 20 years old

Not your typical teen-ager. Has no extracurricular interests in school. But is very good with her little sisters at home. Very much the mother type, which is a good thing because she is expecting her first child in November. We have had a little trouble with her behavior and as a result she has spent 2 months in a detention facility. This has done a lot of good for her. If you have doubts about what to do with a teen that can't behave correctly don't be afraid to ask for outside help. I went for 4 years before I sought intervention. I wouldn't say she is a changed child, but she is a lot easier to live with. Special note: Jennifer attended the birth of her little sister. A very good experience since she is due to have her own baby on November 4th. It has helped her to bond to her sister already.

UPDATE (November 13,1996): Jennifer gave birth to Karrah Marie Allen on November 10th 1996, at 3:35 am. Karrah was 7 lbs. 11 oz. and 19 inches long. Easy delivery lasted 5 ½ hours. Jennifer and Karrah are doing well. She has gone back to classes and I care for the bundle of joy alongside my little Torie while Jennifer is at school. Motherhood has had no big effect on Jennifer, she seems to be a natural at it, even if she is still at the stage where she wants to have fun. We have a deal, I will watch Karrah while she goes to school but she has to take the baby everywhere else. Build that sense of responsibility and get her home at decent hours too if she has to think of the baby first. It is working. A picture of Karrah at 13 hours old follows this paragraph.


UPDATE (May 13,1997): Alas, Motherhood has affected Jennifer after all. She was unable to continue her studies in a proper manner (i.e.: she started skipping school) so I was forced to withdraw her from school. The plan is to now apply for GED classes and eventually receive a GED certificate. In the meantime, she is still taking care of that great baby of hers and is looking for work. She has many plans for her future, unfortunately they are not all within her reach at this point in her life. We are doing pretty good together these days....only the occasional wondering of where she is at and what she is doing. What? Me worry? I will always worry. 

UPDATE (May 24,1998): Well, a lot of things have happened to and for Jennifer in the last year. She got herself into a little bit of trouble, resulted in House Detention for 2 months. One of the best things to happen to her all summer. She was prompted to find a job if she wanted to be able to get out of the house at all. The beginning of August she got a job working at Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger. Which prompted a new agreement with her. If she could maintain the job for 4 months I would allow her to move out after Christmas. Surprise , surprise, she is still employed there and has been living in her own apartment since March of this year. She shares the apartment with her boyfriend (and father of her baby) Johnny and Little Karrah. She is finding out the hard way that she should not have been in such a rush to move out. Things are always tight for them, and I have had to give out a dollar here and there. But she is much like her mother and is determined to make a go of it on her own. I wish her luck.

UPDATE April 3, 1999:  Jennifer has been trying out some new adult living, mixed with still being dependent on someone else.  First she managed to get evicted from her apartment last June, (I know the circumstances of that eviction and the landlord was dead wrong in her reasoning).  Jennifer and Johnny and Karrah first stayed with some friends, then went to live with his Aunt and Uncle, but after awhile that wasn't working too well for them.  So shortly before Christmas they came back to stay with us for a bit. But in January I had had enough of two family's under one roof and had them find someplace else to stay, again to the friends then to the Aunt and Uncle.  Jennifer was not too happy with the arrangement and decided to try something really different.  So she grabbed up Karrah and went to stay with my sister in Nashville Tennessee.  She seemed to be doing fairly well, Karrah was in daycare, and she had a job working at Wal-mart.  She had money in the bank, and was striving for a used car and an apartment.  But out of the blue a week ago she decided she wanted to come home.  She just couldn't wait for Johnny to come to her after she found a place to live.  She came home...and boy that is a whole other story in its self.  On the way home she became slightly stranded with the ride she had gotten, but the driver was able to get home with some aid from a friend while we all worked on trying to get her car back up here.  The driver brought Karrah to me while Jennifer was stranded so that she would not be stuck in a strange place.  I had really missed my grandbaby and was very glad to have her with me for a couple of days.  It had warmed up some outside so we took pictures, the below is the result of those shots.  Jennifer finally made it home on the second day, and is back to staying with those friends again.  She is also trying to get a job at the local Wal-mart.  She shouldn't have too many problems, just needs to save some more money now.  Wish her lot's of luck.  She could use it.  Until next time, enjoy my slide show:

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UPDATE October 16, 2000 - Jennifer is something else, not anything I really want to update on her right now, she still needs people to wish her lot's of luck.  A few prayers for her well being couldn't hurt either.






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Updated November 13, 2000